Steam should consider letting these people charge for mods. That’s a ton of work!
He said he DIDN’T use it, explicitly!
UI design is like writing a story. Everyone thinks they can do it, but only the very talented can produce something excellent. It’s an underappreciated challenge.
Looking at you Assassin’s Creed. How do you not make a copy of the last good save when you initiate an autosave?
Trion did such a great job on copying yet improving WoW, adding depth, etc. (at least initially, don’t know much after the first few months), that I have high hopes for Trove.
There are structural similarities but I’d say it’s more like True Detective than OITNB. I watched by searching “watch rectify online”
Have you checked out Rectify?
I stopped watching. It worked!
Don’t cut your nose off to spite your face.
Yep, unfortunately reading was a big milestone holding us back from introducing RPGs. He’s a lot better at it now so lighter RPGs have been the sweet spot. I think pure RPG like Earthbound and Final Fantasy might be too tedious, but when he is a little more competent I’ll have him give it a shot. Actually, I’ve…
My son is seven, and over the weekend I asked him if he’d like to play Secret of Mana with me, an “older style” game as I described it. His response: “Yeah, dad! I like old games”. He plays arcade beat-em-ups, SNES Zelda, and Pokemon Yellow on original hardware. He also loves modern titles like Minecraft, New Super…
Crazy. I wonder if it uses a Peltier cooler or what?
Thanks man! I actually have a decent gaming rig but I need that split-screen!
I hate CoD but I sure love Zombies. I will be buying this just for the Zombies mode. Will I have to buy a current gen console? I’ll do it, for Zombies.
Considering that the phrase GTAV has never, and can never be copyrighted (that would be Trademark), this should have never happened even if it was Rockstar.
Its a Kinja bug, of course.
Oh, what is the licensing deal between Disney and Lego on these games?
Didn’t sound like Will.
I worked on this. You don’t actually want to know...