
Switch to limited.

But where is Waldo?

You can find compatible pads for a few bucks though.

I’d guess it’s because there’s no games for it, that we know of. Still exciting though.

I’d guess it’s because there’s no games for it, that we know of. Still exciting though.

Yeah I feel you about not eating out but there’s just so many vectors with ID like you cant just order salad because salmonella, and meat is always risky, and even hospitals can’t make their staff clean their hands properly. With peanuts it’s just “Do you use peanuts?” and youre good.

I thought it was common knowledge that well done orders get the oldest, bacteria-ridden steak in the house. In the case of immuno-deficiency, it may be prudent to elaborate on one’s reasoning. Or just don’t eat out if it’s that serious.

It was reported on Gawker for some reason instead of Kotaku

It was reported on Gawker for some reason instead of Kotaku

Typo: Machinarium is $2 not $20

Typo: Machinarium is $2 not $20

Wait for it...

Could’ve been broken anyway. The NES also doesn’t need the housing to function.


By using Transgaming for the port, there was a 100% certainty that this would run worse than Bootcamp, which mac-users had been doing up to this point (Transgaming’s tech uses an interpreter on the original DirectX, which can never be better than running in actual Windows). Yoshi-P knew this.

Thank you based Fahey

Yeah it’s stupid. 2-3 months between eps is too long. I understand financial pressures but out of 4 eps, at least 3 of them should be complete before they even offer the first sale.

a shallow (but so thorough it appears to have depth) storyline

Today I went to buy regular, hormone-laden, genetically-optimized skirt steak from a run-of-the-mill grocery and it was $21 a pound. What the fuck is that shit? Brisket is just what the doctor ordered, good show.

Exactly. You wouldn’t show up at a publisher with an image like that. Kickstarters should be treated with the same respect as other investors would be. While relatively minor, in my opinion, it’s a reflection of how the industry views its consumers in general, but specifically I would not trust this guy.

Enjoy your cheap plastic crap, I guess?

Enjoy your cheap plastic crap, I guess?

Gamers. They are never happy!

I recently asked a shop to check my brakes because they squeal like crazy. His diagnosis was that they were cheap, but that they still had a good 20,000 miles left on them and I should deal with the noise until they needed to be changed.