Yeah I don’t actually read his terrible, pandering advice :) The comments are where it’s at!
Yeah I don’t actually read his terrible, pandering advice :) The comments are where it’s at!
How will you cancel a game that turns out to be garbage if it shipped two days before the reviews come out ? I think you missed the point.
Nope you made it about gender to fulfill your nice guy fantasy. If you’re not familiar with the meme, replace it in your mind with me calling you a douchebag.
No, it was confusing. How are you sure it’s a guy? I still can’t tell.
He’s a hack.
Great way to capitalize on human suffering, Paolo!
If GamerGate was even on their radar we would have seen a quote. These people are drawing on outdated bullshit made up by Sen. Lieberman in the 90s.
Do you mean jumped the gun? Jumped the shark doesn’t make sense to me.
they had this all planned from the beginning
Actually it’s because it’s against the law in some European countries.
Oh man the mouth-breathers are going to lose it here.
Except they dont get the physical items.
I agree it doesn’t add up at all. Yes $20 is what new players pay extra for the collector’s edition but veterans are missing all this other stuff.:
Yes, your interpretation is incorrect. Theft requires depriving another of the stolen property. Perhaps the quoted definition can be parsed ambiguously, but requiring deprivation of property is not just my opinion, that’s what the word means. Prove that to yourself by reading other definitions, if you need to.
how would the entertainment industry even work if all media were free?
The definition of theft isn’t depriving someone of property, just taking it without permission.
By the way these concepts aren’t foreign by any means, and in fact they are basic, entry-level perspectives. I have an neophyte perspective perhaps, but you are light years behind modern rational economic and legal thought. Frankly talking to you is like talking to a medieval serf. Here is a decent article on the…
If you believe piracy is contributing to people being laid off you are so deep in the kool-aid bowl there’s no saving you. I’m not blaming them for not being able to prevent theft, because there’s no theft. If you can’t wrap your mind around that fundamental distinction, it’s no wonder the rest of it is lost on you...