
That game looks boring as shit but you made me laugh out loud more than twice. Kudos

Cool story bro


I think you are simplifying a very complex problem into a false dichotomy. There are a variety of reasons people cheat, and I would guess that abuse is at most tangentially related. It has a lot more to do with biology than anything else.

yeah Spanish sucked

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Onion on your belt? What?

why is it weasly? The first ingredient is ice cream. It is composed primarily of dairy (at least 50% milk, cream, and buttermilk). There is more ice cream than wafer (obviously). If you want to know the exact percentage (who cares) just take a sandwich, weigh the ice cream, way the wafer.



RankinBass did it better

It's funny actually. The one on the left is thinking "I'm going out with Righty because she makes me look hotter in comparison." The one on the right is thinking "I'm going out with Lefty because she makes me look hotter". Men are thinking "There are two equally generic-looking women."

They both look pretty average to me, so no real preference. The one on the left is slightly shiny but the one on the right has a MySpace angle. It would probably come down to an ease of use question

So, you are saying this is not a real one-man band because it is done by video editing. The problem is that any modifier you add would only make it more confusing: simulated, computer-edited, etc. do not aidin clarity so are strictly worse than one-woman choir, which is clear amd unambiguous

Though if your entire point is that instruments make it incorrect to call it a choir, you might have said so earlier

One man band would be acceptable, but one-man choir also works. Here the adjective one-man modifies the noun to indicate that the group function is being performed by a single person. It may be a new use of the term, but it is not incorrect, since the meaning of the usage is clear and unambiguous. You may think

band: a group of musicians organized for ensemble playing

Which one is the "ugly" one? Seems like a personal preference either way

I'm happier that "procedurally generated" did not show up in that description

yep. Both icons are based on Google : recent apps from android and menu from Chrome