“The best way for you to do that is to come off autopilot when you’re around the opposite sex,” she said.
“The best way for you to do that is to come off autopilot when you’re around the opposite sex,” she said.
Everytime I step outside and feel the full force of sunlight I remember how white I am, and that if I want to stay that way and not end up painfully red I need to get my white-ass into some shade. As a jew, I don’t fit in with the Nazi (neo or oldo) crew or the confederate flag flyers (you lost, move on). I’m not…
“a lot of what we study is how to model and teach self-control and appropriate behavior to kids who are struggling with those skills.”
Please spend time teaching this to adults, too.
My wife has a phrase that might help you out when it comes to the guilty feeling we get when we have to abandon someone who has been part of our lives for a long time.
“You shouldn’t keep others warm by lighting yourself on fire”
Basically, you do you and don’t hurt yourself just for someone else’s sake. Weight…
Fair enough, I didn’t intend to offend. I’m going off the understanding that sensory overload is causing an emotional reaction and outburst and that if the kid is given the tools (and practices frequently, outside of an event) to identify and understand the impulse to lash out then he can learn to recognize the…
“Morin suggests taking a child having a sensory meltdown to somewhere quiet and calm, to let them settle down on their own.”
That’s what I was referring to when I said alone on their own.
I guess I could have made it more clear that I was suggesting mindfulness techniques outside of tantrum time, in order to better…
Actually I was being serious. For me, having grown up with an overly worried but constantly vague jewish mother, “be careful” is a meaningless colloquialism. When I was learning to drive she would yell “Watch out!” without giving me any clue as to what item in the 100 yard radius of concern in the 360 degree field of…
If your kid needs to cry and stomp it out that often you need to take a more active role in helping your child identify what they are feeling, where the feelings are coming from, and how to process those feelings instead of lashing out. Mindfullness practices will give you both the tools to address overwhelming mental…
Yeah this advice is good because kids are dumb and have no clue what you mean when you say vague things like “Be careful”. They need specifics.
And when I say kids I mean me. I am stupid, please be more specific.
Cards are just dead trees, even less important to me when you picked out what someone else wrote and sold and simply signed your name at the bottom. I’m throwing it away as soon as I open it, unless there’s a heartfelt note inside that makes it actually an emotional connection instead of a laborious empty outreach.
The bodegas you describe and seem to care so much about exist only in walkable communities. Most areas of California (where Silicon Valley is located) are not walkable so community stores and experiences like you are describing simply don’t exist.
If week one of freshman year of college is any indication, teaching responsibility instead of controlling kids through deprivation wins every time.
Maybe this is a state by state issue? I’m in CA and I’ve been taking FMLA intermittently for the past 5 months (can stretch it out for up to 6 months or take a solid 6 week block). The other advantage to taking a day here and there is that CA FMLA pays me at my hourly billrate until I hit the max dollar amount for the…
Seriously? No mention of bulb replacement costs? I thought that would be the long pole in the tent.
Disclaimer: Can’t watch the video, comment is based on article text.
This is exactly the product discount I wanted this week!
This is exactly the product discount I wanted this week!
We all have our own offices, where we work all day on computers, behind a door that less than 20 people in the zip code have clearance to get past without a prior arranged escort. There are no surprise customer visits, and there are no surprise executive visits. I know exactly who I’m going to run into. Explain to me…
I have one for car maintenance. Even if you have confidence that your car will never let you down, it’s going to need tires and brakes eventually and if it ever needs both at the same time that can be well over $1000 you hadn’t planned on spending.
Really? Cut and twist? Has anyone ever tried that with a ripe peach? The skin or top layer of fruit twists away and you are left with 3/4 of the peach meat still attached to the pit, still attached to the other half of the peach, and a mess of peach juice all over your hands and counter. I was really hoping you’d…
Or we could all accept the fact that small talk is an attempt to generate conversation and is not intended to strike emotionally sore spots. Contrary to popular opinion, not every word spoken to you is intended as a judgement of your value as a human being. If someone asks you a question that you don’t like,…
Follow up article title: Immediatly Pinch to UnZoom a photo when someone hand you their phone.