
Two things:
1. The “turned out just fine” argument is crap because no one is perfect and everyone has issues. I cringe when people say this, especially if I feel like the person being described is not someone I would choose as a role model. Also, the goal is not “fine”. The goal is, in raising children especially, “as

There are other subtleties that are missed here as well. Information A, by itself, can be unclassified while Information B, again by itself, can be unclassified but when Information A and Information B are put together in the same document, that document becomes classified. That sounds silly and unimportant but it’s

Having kids is easy. Raising kids properly is hard. For the majority of history having kids has been mostly a product of the short-sighted decision to have sex when horny than it has been a carefully weighted decision based on pro, cons, and the impact child rearing will have on your love life, finances, and general

Actually by continuing to put forth the most garbage of all garbage plans they can wear down the “repeal obamacare” cheerleaders in their base until they stop caring and tell them to just leave it alone and move on to something else. The more times they fail at ACA replacement the less people will expect them to

Tell them if they don’t start washing their dishes you are going to put them in their bed. When they still don’t do it, put clean dishes in their bed and say next time they wont be clean. Etc. Worked on my sister when we were teenagers.

“The colors are but sharper, the plastic a little thicker.”

Theory: Running as a total body workout also include core strength and balancing muscles which, at extreme ages, tend to be weaker and can lead to falls. Falls lead to bone breaks, and for really old people, breaks can be hard to recover from and can end up being the start of rapid health decline.

65000/80000 = 0.81 YUP!
89900/127200 = .071 NOPE! (you’re looking for 0.71)

Yay math!

Old MS Paint didn’t let you change the color or font of text after you’ve placed it either, did it?

“but I’ve found that I don’t actually those traditional systems.”
*[use, like, care for]

I don’t even take the time to call people I know (friends, relatives, even Mom) and you expect me to call a stranger? Get back to me when I can text my congressman.

For the last time dude, no one wants to see your ass memes, despite their reported dankosity.

Seriously. Where’s that article I saw last week about how millionaires become rich by being frugal before and after they made their millions? I won’t even pay that much for a shirt that goes on the outside!

Seriously. Where’s that article I saw last week about how millionaires become rich by being frugal before and after

The scenario is not well defined. Are you asking about the water level on the side of the boat relative to the top/bottom of the boat or the water level of the lake at the coast? Are you allowing the lake surface to hit steady state or would you like the transient response? What was the condition of the surface of the

He starts with a handsaw then shows a circular saw and a miter saw as other options, not required. Only other powertool I saw was a drill which most people own.

I’ve had doctors refuse to bill a visit as my free yearly physical because “they don’t get paid enough by the insurance company that way”. Of course I didn’t find out until after the fact.

In college we lived next door to a dog that was left on the fenced-in front porch while the owners were away. It was a big doberman but it barked basically because of separation anxiety. If it barked when I was home I’d go out to our own front yard where he could see me and talk to him. I’d use his name and say no

Alexa only wakes up if the wake word is the first in the sentence. How often do you start a sentence with the word computer?

Exactly this. And with median home prices over 1 million in San Jose (a suburb) 20% is over $200,000. I’d love to have an option to live near where I work and have a %20 down payment as ‘low’ as $25k.