
Why are there not pictures for each of these plants?

And now your room smells like vinegar! At least until I walk into it, shortly after which it will smell like vomit because I can’t stand the smell of vinegar. Next you’re going to tell me you can use vinegar to clean up the vomit...

Ok I googled it and thought “this is acceptable as long as the seat portion remains solely for butt usage” then saw one of the top 10 images had a fedora on the seat and it made me angry.

Nope. Seats are for butts. You want a place to put clothes that isn’t your closet, hamper, or dresser? Get a valet.

“Get mad! Get f**king pissed!”

Why is this not the headline image?

HSA family limits are up from 7100 to 7200, not to 7100 as stated.

The question is not “could twitter ban trump”, they could have banned him whenever they wanted to. The question is “will twitter ban trump”. For the sake of the world I hope the answer is yes.

Considering the storage and transport requirements (and dual dose requirements) for the first two available vaccines that’s not very likely. There are ~330 million people in the US, I strongly doubt we’ll get 1/3 of them into hospitals equipped with the required cold storage twice to put two shots in the arm in the

You assert that the hiring managers value liberal arts degrees then report that they, in fact, value the skills listed above. You are implying that those skills are inherent to Liberal Arts education and that technical degrees do not include those skills, which is false.

I mean, if all of a sudden you are making a lot more money and your expenses havn’t changed, it’s a good idea to up your retirement contributions if you are not already maxed out. That would be a good way to catch back up.

But in actuality, your income during your working years is not a good indicator for how much you

the fitbit charge 4 is down to $100 on amazon and $90 at costco today.

the fitbit charge 4 is down to $100 on amazon and $90 at costco today.

Does this make the room smell like coffee? Did you try some febreeze?

I never saw a dime from my parents for my lifetime of A’s. When I found out friends were getting paid for their grades I asked about it. My mom told me about her mom paying her for her first report card. When she got her second report card she showed it to her parents and expected the same payment. Instead they

You forgot Idiocracy! Although that was my inauguration day movie in 2017, not my election night movie.

I mean, if the repair was hard to get to they would have a pretty hard time filming it.

I have a 3.5er at home and he says stuff like this all the time. While it’s entirely possible that those terms are legit TV characters from some obscure show, I’d bet money that the kid just made them up on the spot. Either that or we’re all having a collective stroke. You pick.

I agree that acronyms should be spelled out on first use. However the second paragraph has the answer in the book title.

Dr. Welsh is an LA-based psychologist who specializes in a wide variety of anxiety, mood, and depressive disorders, and is the author of The Cognitive Behavioral Therapy Work Book for Panic Attacks.

If you go to the store to buy more eggs when there are only 2 eggs left instead of waiting until you run out you will be happy that plastic thing has space for 14 eggs.

If you go to the store to buy more eggs when there are only 2 eggs left instead of waiting until you run out you

I mean, I feel like for sunrise you just need to hit an east-facing beach.