And Ninja Gaiden and Castlevania!
And Ninja Gaiden and Castlevania!
I mean, it's staged, sure, but it doesn't even change anything. Rosalina and Luigi finish 1/2 regardless of this move. And if anyone knows anything about MK, it's that your finish place is all the matters.
I see you said "she". If you have a little girl and you like gaming, plan on getting a Wii-U. SM3DW is probably the best game I've ever played that allows an adult to have fun and a kid who still isn't skillful with video games to have fun too, especially if you have more than one. I have 3 and the 4YO and 6YO play…
I'll go one step further. If you're playing Mario Galaxy for the story, you're simply doing it wrong.
Exactly. I'm the head of a gaming family now. The Wii-U has a ton of family friendly games. High quality games. It's truly a no brainer if you have young gaming children. I would love a PS4 and XB1 as well but almost all their good games are violent.
I'm in the same boat on the PS4. I feel like there's nothing to play on it yet. I'm sure there is but it just seems super dry right now.
Friend me up, I'm gamedoctor.
Bought the wii-u for Zombiu. No regrets. Best survival horror game I've played in 10 years.
Lots more it seems. I wonder if they unloaded it all or if we'll get more in the coming months.
What are you excited for on the other consoles?
They just keep coming!
Shazaam! Fall looks good. Splatoon looks amazing. Can't wait. Solid upcoming Holiday and a good 2015 in the works. I was just being silly. I've enjoyed mine since I picked it up at launch. :)
I just wish Nintendo would announce a game that would be cool enough to want to own a Wii-U for........
I'd pay $30 for a packaged disc game on this at retail if there were like 100 levels. But this does feel more like a download only title.
This is what E3 looks like. Dudes. Dudes everywhere. Fucking tens of thousands of dudes. So many dudes, it literally smells bad to walk around. Even as a dude, I fucking hate that place. Apparently some girls want a piece of this action. I don't get it, but ok. Catering to your core demo is easy. You know what they…
"The person that we've picked up since launch primarily is someone we call the connoisseur..."They are the people who, when you walk in [to their home], there's no books on their book shelves."
I can't believe they'd "thoughtfully exclude" Chinese. Those diversity hating bigots! Also, I don't think anyone has figured out how to be transgender and lesbian at the same time. Although, given time, I'm sure someone will. There seems to be no rational limit on what gender/sexuality combinations one can define…
No. The reason changing gender/ethnicity doesn't matter to me is because it has no relevance to the enjoyment of the game and never has. Like, at all. People are getting hung up on it for other reasons, social reasons that don't actually impact the gameplay. Maybe, my favorite game series is Metroid or Tombraider. I'm…