
Yep, it was almost common. Because, well, that’s how our gov’t was designed. Kids today just don’t know history and they read these sites saying “this is unprecedented obstructionism!” and they just assume it’s true. Some of the relationships between congress and president throughout history were downright brutal. I

No, congress pretty much always behaves this way. You’re reading too many lefty sites claiming “this is unprecedented” when it’s not at all. The Biden rule was invented by a Democrat. Dems were the gov’t shutdown kings during Reagan. Reid invoked the nuclear option after saying it would destroy the senated when

You’re wrong on all counts. But more importantly, I can’t tell if you’re describing R’s during Obamas tenure, or D’s during Bush/Reagan. If it’s obstruction to oppose a bad budget, what is it when you don’t even propose one for years? If it’s obstruction to oppose a justice, what is The Biden Rule? If its obstruction

Actually, it’s correct. Look how many incumbents lost re-election after supporting Obamacare. I agree incumbency is a huge hurdle to overcome, but in this case, it was done many many time. The congress now, compared to 10 years ago is as different as it has ever been. The swing from 2008 to 2014 was unprecedented.

If they do note it, they will be misleading readers. Congress are the agents of the people who elected them. They are doing the bidding of their constituents (or they will lose re-election). This means the people they represented didn’t want what Obama was selling. It was literally Congress’s job to try to stop these

Macadamia nuts. Huh. Had no idea. Thanks.

I started reading this thread last night and I was wondering how long it would take mcdidlertits to lose his shit.

I don't really see any lag on any of them. Shrug.

Ask around, you may be surprised. Also, There are tons of online communities for gaming via google+, skype, play by post, play by email. No one, who really wants to play, has an excuse. Yes, face to face is best, but online is still a fun and valid way to learn/experience the game. Give it a shot if you feel the need.

I too read that sentence and cringed. Then I kind of translated it. When he says it's like a video game, I think he means that it's approachable and manageable in the same way a video game is, not necessarily that it plays like one. Do me a favor and look at the 3.5 or PF stat blocks for dragons, the most iconic of

I understand and respect the motivation behind this kind of endeavor. Unfortunately, I'm far too cynical (experienced?) to believe it has any hope of making a difference. I honestly believe they're at this from the wrong direction. I share their goals though. I truly believe you have much better luck teaching the

This has always been my main gripe with xbox achievements. There simply is no uniformity in how they are awarded, which makes the overall gamerscore a truly meaningless number. If there was consistency, it would make sense, but when one person might have a 50K gamerscore from playing games like Dark Souls, another

Not at all, totally agreed. If you can afford it, support a game store. :)

The Pathfinder rulebooks are very well done. If you like them, you will really love the 5E PHB, it is even more beautiful than the Pathfinder books (and the rules are better)!

Yes, and the included adventure is very solid!

Of course! That's why I said "if you're on a budget". Meaning, if you're not on a budget, buy it local. :)

Great idea! :)

Loving this edition so far. Also of note, grab this on Amazon. It' s only $29 there, rather than $50 if you're on a budget.

I always thought there was something wrong with my eject button because it had an odd tilt to it. But I can it is present in this picture as well. I guess that was normal.

I find this sort of thing interesting despite my lack of interest in Lady Gaga. I just like to read and hear about how certain cultures (particularly Asian and other Eastern cultures) relate to each other and those little things that we might take for granted but that have inherent importance or meanings that we don't