
So your answer to fixing your boredom with games is changing the gender of the character model? That just doesn't make sense to me. I get the boredom point. I'm bored of the same tired shooters. Same baddass characters. Same brainless plotlines and explosions. But for me, gender doesn't change that at all. Nor does

"So what you are saying is...lets keep the default male character in every game because that is the only, default option."

Apparently, someone didn't get the memo. What I find humorous is that the people raising hell about this faux injustice don't even stop to think about the logical conclusion of their argument. Either every group needs to be representated or they don't. You either get to pick and choose or you don't. You simply can't

I'm just gonna toss it out there. Perhaps you've never seen one.

I can't find anywhere in my comments asking "why it matters" so I'm not sure what the point of your comment is other than to monologue a bit.

Yep. We've seen it repeatedly. Anyone claiming that somehow had they been "honest" there would be less blowback is in loser denial.

You must not read video games marketing speak much. It's all lame stupidity all the time. The women in games issue is not unique.

So you think if Ubisoft was honest and said "yeah, piece of cake, but well, fuck em", people would be happier somehow? Riiiiight.

Or a fifth option. They mostly suck at writing male AND female characters. But men are more likely to be the strong silent time who blow shit up so, there they are. Video games ya'll.

It's a lose lose for them as we've seen in so many games. Don't include enough women/minorities/gays/trans/whatever and you get attacked. Include them and you get attacked for the depictions being somehow undesirable.

Ignoring the obvious strawman that this guy thinks it was "a good idea"....

Sadly, the outrage is quite real.

This is why I think Nintendo makes good games. They experimented with Star Fox on wii for 6 years! So, they KNEW we wanted a game. But they didn't have any ideas they found compelling enough to release. Had they just released a starfox game to make people happy, they might have ultimately made them sad because the

They may as well based on the reaction they're getting.

Everyone is tone deaf when you're not playing a melodic tune.

And the professionally aggrieved would just bitch about the depiction anyway.

I'm confused. Are you saying women only started working 80 years ago? Or are you saying that women have more rights of representation than blacks or homosexuals because the majority is more important?

Bla. Video games, ultimately, are a commercial product. If they think playable women will improve sales, they'll do it. If they don't, they won't. Now, they may be wrong in what they think, but that's the reasoning behind it. I very much doubt it's the designer who says there will be women or not. It' most likely the

Totally irrelevant (and I don't think you know what "literately" means). Either Nintendo has M games or they don't. The comment was simply that they don't. Not that the ones they have are commonly available.

6 Minutes. This is just the Wii-U. In the past 18 months. And it seems I accidentally listed more than 10. Whoops.