Publicly available financials. MS posts theirs online going back to 1996. Take a look.
Publicly available financials. MS posts theirs online going back to 1996. Take a look.
Is this an LOTR crossover or does it just look like Sauron is in this game? ;)
I made my point. You ignored it and trotted out some tired strawmen. Nowhere did I mention the words censored or silenced. Yet you argued against both of those words specifically.
I agree 100%. I really enjoy my 360 but the Wii had a ton of potential that never got realized (looks like the Wii-U may suffer the same fate). It certainly wasn't Nintendos fault that 3rd party developers did little more than shoehorn some gimmicky motion controls on late to release ports and then complain when they…
Being both a technical and artistic person, I too looked very seriously at game design and development as a possible educational/career choice. About 2 days of research later, I recognized it as a mostly thankless, utterly unstable, overworked, underpaid career where few, if any, true creative outlets existed. So I…
Your comment makes no sense and is oblivious to how things work in the real world. For example:
I love GOG. Love the no-DRM. Whenever I have a choice, between GOG and Steam (same game with similar pricing) I go with GOG. This will be very interesting indeed. Perhaps Steam has unassailable position in the market. But you don't know until you try and GOG is a good way to try.
Ok, well, I think their numbers will start to improve relative to the PS4. Now that they got rid of that aweful Kinect and got the price down where it should be, it might actually start to compete with the PS4 sales numbers. Let's hope anyway.
The "record losses" of the big N are miniscule compared to Sony and MS losses suffered at similar points in their console life cycles. Surely you realize that. Right?
I'll agree with you. But for the sake of argument, I was conceding his point. Even IF you think it's bizarre, it's still consistent with their behavior over the last 30 years. I will say that I think it's interest, at the very least, that a company would choose to move away from E3 when the core gaming community…
This comment makes no sense. What happened to Nintendo? When exactly did their awesomeness stop for you? Did you think they were rocking it with the N64 cartridges? Was that awesome? How about the little purple gamecube with mini DVDs and virtually no network capability? The underpowered Wii with recycled gamecube…
"he is driving the company to the ground" -Master-llorT
The irony of someone calling anyone a "looser" is almost beyond belief. Made my day reading that.
I think the Wii-U has sold nearly 7 million in a year less time while costing a lot more. So if the Wii-U is barely treading water (it is), the Vita is drowning.
They'll still call it "console" exclusive, which is, I think, ridiculous.
Nintendos losses are the first ever. And they are miniscule compared to the losses MS and Sony have taken regularly at similar points in their console cycles. I agree though, it's not good. Far from it, but it's not some predictor of doom either. I would say the biggest predictor of problems in house is that MS has…
So are you admitting then that MS also didn't promise a large number of games by a certain date? Nintendo actually promised MORE games than MS, which completely contradicts your claim. Literally renders it false. Provably false. MS promised the FEWEST games with specific dates. Also, Sony promised 300 other games and…
I'm not moving any goal posts. I'm using your own words against you and you have yet to back them up. Let's try it again. You keep saying things like
Time to add Mario Kart 8 to the list. I would drop Little Inferno.
I'm pretty much in the same boat.