I like the slot machine game that you can play the eshop. Wish there was a prize.
I like the slot machine game that you can play the eshop. Wish there was a prize.
Yeah, Win8 on a SSD is smokin. Makes everything else seem snail slow.
That's pretty much my takeaway. In game pixel murder is generally ok for most any reason, unless that reason becomes in game pixel profiling, at which point it becomes newly disturbing.
Interesting review, thanks! I was looking forward to this game but now, not so much. The Maurice thing is possibly a deal breaker for me. Similar to the no russian level in MW2. It just felt so contrived and forced and I wouldn't comply so the game ceased to function. I couldn't even fail. It just continued forever…
Try reading more. I was referencing what another poster said about those being fine and normal while racism wasn't. If you don't bother to read the comments, you shouldn't comment. It just makes you look preachy and ill-informed. But, that would at least make your position consistent.
In general, I don't really care about this one way or the other. I used to say "Sure, give me a nice butt to look at, whether its male or female" but then I realized my taste in the posterior region wasn't "conforming" so there were lots of butts, but not nice ones. So then I mostly just stopped paying attention. I…
Exactly. My gum and black people comment was based on YOUR logic. So I'm glad you now see how crazy it is. It's no wonder you're going nuts trying to defend this nonsensical stance you've got. It's utterly contradictory and inconsistent. I'll try to make it as simple as possible. We have two options and only two.
I don't understand it because it's simply nonsensical.
Is there a subtitle version? The narrator voice makes my ears bleed.
No. You can't have it both ways. Either actions in game are meaningful and reveal who we really are, or they do not. You're creating a distinction that doesn't exist with no evidence whatsoever for doing so.
EXACTLY! Heck, this person probably IS Jack Thompson. The thought patterns are nearly identical. And they are this:
I'm not being a literalist. I'm assuming you actually mean what you say. If you're going to make a fallacious argument ad populum, then I'm going to point it out. That's not literalism. That's just plain common sense. When you say "everyone" does something, it doesn't need to include everyone on the planet, but it…
"I was trying to make a point."
"killing randomly means nothing".
I don't do it. So, no, not "everyone" does it. I'm as repulsed by people going around beating up hookers or driving over pedestrians in GTA as I am by people targeting blacks in Watch Dogs. That you see a distinction is what I find strange.
Wait? What's that? You mean you said/did something that was not truly indicative of who you are to make a point or get attention? What a crazy thought. I wonder if I could ever apply that kind of wisdom to other peoples actions? Welp? Nope. They're just plain racist. You're almost certainly the only one clever enough…
Actually, I think it's pretty clear YOU are the racist.
That's what I keyed in on, too.
That should be obvious. To get silly reactions from people who think simulated racism is more scary than simulated murder. It works. And that's what is scary.
I can't tolerate your tolerance of shit that I don't tolerate.