
In polite gaming society, simulated Murder is ok. Simulated profiling is not. It's only ok to murder an imaginary bundle of game code if you don't do it for bad reasons like racism or homophobia, because doing it for those reasons is disgusting. As opposed to greed, revenge, anger, psychopathic inclination, someone

First, I love your avatar name. It's great. Second, that thought hadn't occurred to me but you may be right. I've found a lot of anger in that crowd. It begs the question. Are they angry because of what they perceive? Or do they perceive what they do because they are angry? I tend to think most emotions are more

Spoken word poetry can be amazing. It could be argued that being illiterate would give you an insight into words and sounds that would help that type of artistry more than it would hinder it.

It just seems strange to me that simulated murder or simulated misogyny (people have been killing hookers in these games for a decade) is acceptable but simulated racism or simulated homophobia is repulsive. Ultimately, I think you're right. I think attention starved people are doing this to get a rise out of the

So, random murder sprees in game are no big deal, but profiled murder is "disgusting"?

"i decided "fuck the blue shell" for myself after i lost several races that i had been winning the entire time"

Those very well may be braggable achievements, I have no idea. But to me, expecting anyone to brag about unlocking an easter egg that you've been specifically told where it is and how to trigger it just seems odd.

I'm talking about this specifically. To me, having Major Nelson post exactly where an Easter Egg is and how to trigger it pretty much renders it ungloatable IMO. So that's why I'm confused.

That's unfortunate. I'm realizing from the comments that much of the problem resides in online multiplayer, which I do my best to avoid. Knowing this, Major Nelsons comment makes a lot more sense because I think MS' core demographic has a lot of overlap with that group of online multiplayer gamers.

A developer making a lot of money? You almost had me there. Good one. :)

What's a "real" gamer exactly? I'm honestly curious.

So, would you gloat to your friends about finding an Easter Egg that MS told specifically where it was and what you had to do to find it?

I hadn't really thought about it that way. Good point.

Yeah, somebody else pointed out that this kind of thing is probably just for kids. That hadn't occurred to me since this is an M rated game. But almost certainly it's being played by children who feel pride about these kinds of accomplishment. I'd actually say they minecraft promotion is much more significant than

Ok, I guess that makes more sense. I think of this game as a game for older gamers. But I suppose kids are playing it too.

Caramel Marshmallow pizza sounds kind of good. Don't you think? Please tell me seriousgamer is not a real thing.

Maybe I wasn't clear. I'm not bitching. I'm confused. We can still do that can't we? Be confused? And I'm not confused about easter eggs. I think they're great. I'm trying to figure out, not why people might do a speedrun or why easter eggs exist, but why someone might "brag about finding an Easter Egg when someone

I've heard of it. I even have one, regretfully. But I've never met anyone who takes it seriously. I've seen people online with super high gamerscores, but I always assumed they had some issues they were working out.

I get that people like to win. That makes sense to me (although I have no interest in multiplayer CoD). But finding an Easter Egg? For bragging rights? That was told to you on the internet how to find it? It just doesn't seem to make sense unless they think gamers are just stupid braggadouches.

For the love of all that is holy, please tell me that is not your gamerscore.