
Furthermore, sometimes the truth is incredibly painful and awkward. Sometimes it is best to let things be and just walk away.

Great points on bringing something to the table - it’s all economics, supply/demand etc.

In an ideal world, cultural appropriation would only be called out if it was someone who expressed something racist or discriminatory about another culture.

The treatment of nuns is why I am no longer a Catholic. I grew up in the faith, attending parochial school and going to church every Sunday with my grandmother. But when I was confirmed, I started looking around at the weird pageantry of the church. Little girls wearing wedding dresses for their Communions. Nuns

awesome, thank you!

I just made a “fuck you” playlist in Spotify. This is a perfect addition! Others???

Hey guys. So imma put this here even though I’ll likely have a post about it soon: yes, I will be leaving Gawker Media. It’s been a fun run, but it was going to end sometime.

I have half a freezer full of lamb because of Eid al Adha, so I’ve cooked a lot of lamb lately. My favorite way to make the chops is to do a dry rub of baharat (a Levantine spice blend: allspice, pepper, nutmeg, just a dash of cinnamon). I’ve also made roast leg of lamb with pomegrante molasses, cloves of garlic cut

You know you can’t spot reduce, right? Crunches won’t burn much calories, and you won’t see any abdominal muscles without being skinny. Try cardio?

Ooooh! I love dogs who love cats. I mean, I love dogs in general, yes, but I *really* love dogs who love cats.

How does Revenge sound to you guys?

This BCO has EVERYthing! EVERYTHING (to make you hate EVERYONE!)

Yeah, I remember a couple years before they got rid of the last one, something on the control stalk went out. It was one of those ones that has *everything* - turn signals, wipers, cruise control, all that stuff, and it was a small fortune to fix cuz they had to replace the entire control stalk.

When did this warp-speed, USDA Grade A, snap-into-a-Slim-Jim, one-thousand-percent “everything about childhood has to be cutsey-wutsey and totes adorbs” attitude come from? It’s degrading to the parent and insulting to the child.

Some think that being poor is simple. You don’t have enough money to buy a lot of stuff, so you’re forced to buy

We gain momentum, then fracture. Then repeat again. It's depressing. I was raised to believe feminism was for everyone, that every woman's experience and needs mattered. Equality through unity. But wow, the disconnect between women astounds me. I thought we were further along, and we just aren't. Now I'm depressed.

I do enjoy death to cats.......I’ll get back to you.

I usually think you give great advice, but I have to agree with other commenters in that your first response missed the mark.

I don’t read this column every time it appears, but I’ve read many of them, and this is the first time I’ve felt the advice given wasn’t really helpful (talking about the first letter). First off, body dysmorphia is often a problem that requires actual therapy to address, and it sounds like this is one of those cases.