
I wish this would work for me right now, but for some reason in the last 4-5 months my hips decided they needed to be a good 4 inches wider. This was after getting back into yoga (it’s low-impact and I have auto-immune arthritis) and getting healthier. NONE of my damn pants fit, and probably never will again because

Ah I love simple! I learned the other day that it’s actually a French company, and the base of their products is water, which is probably why my skin so heartily approves of it. (Though I have three different lotions, the day/night cream, a light moisturizer, and an ultra-light, because depending on the time of

MMmmm. I love my cast iron.

Cooking people: Anyone have a good roast recipe? (We got a lovely hunk of beef at the store on sale and I want to cook it up this weekend before it gets freezer burnt).
Alternatively, we’ve been wanting to try lamb - so if you’ve got a good lamb chop recipe I’m all for that as well.

OOOH. I shall have to try this at some point (I’m sure I’ll do pan-fry steaks at some point this winter while the grill is out of commission due to snow). Though I may have to fetch some cold brew from my favorite coffee shop to use.

Me too! I’m still working on being able to stand on one leg without falling over most days! :)

He’s usually not able to get close enough - they’re bright enough to stay away from the inside of the yards with the dogs! :)

He’s pretty much the cutest. The day he saw a guinea pic was pretty hilarious as well (MOMMA - what is that small furry creature? Is it a kitty? I will sit here in front of it’s glass box until you release it.). We also call raccoons “tree-kitties” for his sake.

Have you tried yoga? I mean, it might not change your body a lot all at once but it’s great for mindfulness in a “I have a body and look at the things I can do with it”. The first time you actually get into a more difficult pose and hold it correctly is a bit of a head-rush :) And it’s good for increasing strength,

Why was there not an “I CAN’T DECIDE” option? Or “BOTH”. I really think I’m just my dog, who thinks cats are the greatest (seriously, I can’t take him to petsmart anymore because all he wants to do is say hi to all the kitties).

Funny story about leggings. I was on my way to the airport a few months ago to drop off my gf. We’re headed down the highway, and to the right we get passed by a sport-motorcycle with a woman on the back. She was wearing leggings, black, with a bright pink thong. Due to, I guess, how she was sitting and the angle of

Fair enough - mostly the “pedantic asshole” bit. I’m all for that ;)

Trolls in general exhaust me, but I generally have the attitude that if someone is being obviously intentionally obtuse then I’m done dealing with them. But I also unfollow idiot-family members on fb and keep my mouth shut at work about their conservative politics, so not the general market for trolls anyway ;)

I’d say as long as the important bits are covered it’s okay? But I’m imagining the sans-pants guys as these portly, greasy, pervy old men in tighty whities that are sagging and have holes in them and are slightly yellowed either by age or piss. Either that or entirely no pants/underwear - which would be worse.

I don’t understand how people didn’t pick up that jezbanned is a troll by the second post. IT’S OBVIOUS; STOP ENGAGING and HIT DISMISS. Gah. Sorry. It’s just annoying as shit (especially when the thread was otherwise interesting).

Honestly, this seems to be pretty much the norm in more conservative/fundamental churches. While I left the church years ago over differences of theology, and gradually just couldn’t logic my way into religion/christianity any more; my sister went to a big Lutheran university, got her degree to be a director of

Maybe it’s because it was the first car I regularly drove, but I seriously LOVED driving the Astro. Those big bucket seats, the arm rests (oh I miss arm rests), comfy enough I could pick up my left leg and sit it on the seat or under my right leg and still reach the pedals. That thing was awesome. Now I drive this

! I had an Astro Van I drove when I first started driving. I think they had some wiring issues in the steering column because mine would randomly activate the windshield wipers (such as when turning, using a blinker, or just randomly). I just told all my friends it was possessed by a ghost. I don’t think it had any

I thought I was the only one! My current car occasionally refuses to start. This only began after I took it to the dealer to have some recall ignition work done (so I’m, like, 98% sure they screwed up some wiring). I tried to get them to fix it, but after the service guy tried to tell me I just wasn’t starting my car

Weird - though I do have freakishly thick nails. Maybe they just don’t stain.