

Also, never let someone make you pay to work for them. That’s called a scam. (I just had to talk my partner out of a job offer where she would have to pay for leads selling life insurance.)

While the sugar itself doesn’t necessarily cause diabetes, it can contribute to the development of type 2 diabetes (type 1 is the type that is caused primarily by genetics and a faulty pancreas; though if you have predisposition to diabetes and manage to get type 2 you can actually develop type 1, as my brother

I realize this comment is like forever old but got caught in the interweb (one of those, click the link to the most horrifying tampon story ever)... anywhos - your comment may have just convinced me, finally, to try this magic I keep hearing of the diva cup. If it might possibly help with cramping in any way I am so

When I was an adjunct (teaching 4 classes at one university, 1 at a community college in the nearby town, and tutoring) I didn’t. It wasn’t possible. I’d go teach classes and attend my office hours and other required/”recommended” activities, then go home and grade until my eyes felt like bleeding or just popping out

I’m bad at most things that express femininity (makeup, hair, heels, dressing) some because I just don’t care enough to be bothered, other just because I can’t - except domestic things (I cook, knit, sew, etc). But I think if I had to pick the worst feminine thing I was bad at it would be that weird unwritten

Ugh - I’d have to say mine was being cat-called on my way home from middle school, maybe 7th grade? By grown-ass adult men. I started walking on the wooded paths after that instead of the street, and wearing more covering/baggy clothes. (Though I also had a kid who sat behind me in 9th grade social studies who liked

Seriously, no one pegged this one as a favorite? The jackety thing is fantastic, and really I love it the most (though it’d look shite on me without some spanx, which I resolutely refuse to wear).

This gif is perfect. That story was perfect. It makes me gleefully happy that this happened (not necessarily that potato face was mean, but that revenge was had, even if it was silly).

yes yes! love the pine pellets - the added bonus is you don't find kitty little balls everywhere (the bed, the couch, the kitchen...). And does a better job of mitigating smells than the conventional stuff in my opinion (other than the poos but they always smell and I'd rather smell cat shit for 15 minutes then the

I might add one tip - if it's young enough BRUSH ITS TEETH regularly, believe me this will save you oodles of money in the log run. One of the biggest health problems with cats is their teeth (unlike dogs who enjoy chewing on bones, it's not likely you can convince your cat to chew on a bone or dental-stick though I'm

I love the vicarious beauty box posts - I don't get one, but I love reading about them!

If you're just looking for comfy/non-heel you might consider Born flats - I'm kind of in love with Born shoes (I have three pair, and plan on eventually buying a pair of flats) because they're well-made. They are leather though - so vegans may not be a fan. However, they have decent support and their built-in insoles

crossing fingers this works.

You might try crate training at night (basically dog goes in crate for bedtime with door shut). It might help reset that “routine”. It depends on the dog though - ours love their crates and will actually go to them themselves when they want to chew on a bone alone, and will jump in before we leave for their “crate

Ah - sorry, they’re both neutered males. My bad. Thanks for the advice!

Even me, for whom adulting is notably difficult, thinks a grown up ass adult should be able to deal with someone not affording a gift but coming to celebrate their wedding. How much of an asshole does one need to be to get pissed off that someone spent money to come to your wedding but couldn't afford a gift? Gah.

Oh I feels ya - Pinterest can be helpful but oh dear is it a machine of capitalism :) (I say that with good-hearted snark). Hopefully things get better, and at least you'll have more than one reason to look forward to the wedding! ;)

Labels can be both useful and hurtful - they can help provide a name, and therefore a lexicon with which to discuss certain issues; this discussion would either be impossible or nearly so because it's hard to talk about something without naming it. Names are powerful things - when we "know" something, we can "name"

Disclaimer: Not a trainer or anything of the sort just sharing personal experience that might be useful to you :)

OH MY! I’ve got a couple but I’ll stick to two and you can answer one or both as your time allows. Also, thanks in advance!