Subliminal Bukkake

@chrisJAMESS: Sluts, the most vital component of Halloween. Slutty nurses, teachers, zombies, etc.

@vinod1978: So who's subsidizing the phone? Are people gonna just start buying iPhones for $600/700? If I recall iPhone adoption really went through the roof once they became carrier-subsidized, right? Or is that wrong?

@Mr_Nowitt: The pricing on this has switched my attention to the Archos 70. It seems pretty hackable and can be had for under $300.

@liftedngifted1: Archos 70 looks pretty good & hackable at only $25 more than the Color Nook

I had you penned as a unibody-brushed-aluminum-with-wood-accents-dieter-rams-esque-tombstone-wanting kinda guy. Go figure.

Since this post is Android related, Enter Nexus Two? []

@swissdude: Well the founders/investors get financial security as well. Can't fault them for selling when they have the opportunity if they feel like they're getting a good deal.

Why do my comments need to be approved on this post?

"Jobs has always been known for his ability to back a winning product, but this shows he also knows a good game developer when he sees one."

The guys who do war for a living can make Android & iOS play nice. Take heed, fanboys.

I was only interested in the WiFi only version, and only at $350 or less. Oh well, moving right along...

So how much are the LTE Android phones gonna run on contract? I hope this $300 thing is only because it's aimed at business users.

I don't know any netbooks that start at $999...

Nobody I'm friends with, thankfully. Any FB gaming-related posts in my newsfeed = grounds for de-friending.

Custom ROMs? Really? I'm pretty sure devs aren't trying to cater to each individual ROM creator out there. I'll take FUD for $200, Alex.

So much for different form factors...

Mmmm, chooks.