Subliminal Bukkake

@cybunnex: Market Enabler used to be a solution, I'm not sure if it's still around

Some things should just be left alone.

I'll pass on the Gs,

@Black Knight Rebel: Firefox is in beta and as such isn't yet available in the market.

Motoblur + 2.2 + locked bootloader = meh

I hate my friends that try to message me through FB as opposed to calling/texting/emailing, because I only check FB every few days, and mainly when I get updates about events I might attend. FB Mail would be a bit too much for me.

The Food Network is your friend. Like they say on the promos for Iron Chef: "Learn a recipe and you can cook one meal. Learn a technique and you can cook a bunch of meals." (creative license taken with the paraphrasing)

@Zonky: If you want to play a FPS at home wouldn't an XBox360, PS3, or PC be a better option? Mobile gaming isn't an adequate replacement for console gaming when you're at home, at least for that specific genre and several others.

No space for a search button?

This has The Secret of Nimh written all over it.

@Solar Midnite: 2.3 or 3.0 are speculated to include video chat through Google Talk or GMail so the phone would be future-proof, at least in the near term. I'd assume that most high-end Android phones launching now would include front-facing cameras for that reason. The ticker is also gimmicky because Samsung hasn't

You can find people staring at their smartphones at concerts, and sporting events, and boring lectures, and staff meetings, and hanging out with the in-laws, and school recitals, and wedding receptions, and wedding ceremonies, and bar mitzvahs, and sweet 16s, and taking your kids/nephews/nieces to the park, and

You can find people staring at their smartphones at concerts, and sporting events, and boring lectures, and staff meetings, and hanging out with the in-laws, and school recitals, and wedding receptions, and wedding ceremonies, and bar mitzvahs, and sweet 16s, and taking your kids/nephews/nieces to the park, and

...and sporting events, and boring lectures, and staff meetings, and hanging out with the in-laws, and school recitals, and wedding receptions, and wedding ceremonies, and bar mitzvahs, and sweet 16s, and taking your kids/nephews/nieces to the park, and vacations, and...did I miss anything? Smartphones are now an

More interesting things that Samsung should have had the event for:

And here I was, thinking I had sent in my first successful tip yesterday afternoon, only to be passed over. *Sigh*

Too little, too late.

@bjaxon: FB got updated today...not sure how much closer it is to the iPhone version though

My expectations have been severely tempered due to Samsung's involvement.