Subliminal Bukkake

Ah the rhythm method: practiced by horny, guilt-wracked Catholics worldwide.

Steve Jobs: Behind the Blow

@Lupison: Why is that? $0.99 is a one-time fee, ad money comes in for as long as the user continues to play the game.

Why don't they just package it with a tetherable smartphone? I'd be interested in a DroidX/iPad combo if I was a new customer.

Screw twinkies, I will now begin stockpiling happy meals as part of my Apocalypse survival prep.

@robot-shmobot: Ditto. My next phone is going to be one that does to the N1 what the N1 did to the G1. Double the processor speed & a higher resolution 4+in screen with stock Android is what I'm holding out for.

@ziffelbat: Thanks. As the saying goes, "Now you know, and knowing is half the battle!"

"built so powerfully that car headlights dimmed when you talked"

nice rack

@Yeah!: This eBook bullshit is the death knell of literature. If I'd wanted all that digital download bullshit, I'd have put my dick in a router." - Bizarro World Book Publisher Tarantino

I'd buy one for the Office integration, if I used Office as much as I used to. I also enjoy playing dress up with my XBox Live avatar.

@ericesque: was a joke re: Verizon's launch killer app/feature. Not a very good one though.

@ericesque: Verizon has the exclusive on WinPho7 copy & paste.

@brutedawg: It can also be used at a bris, in a pinch.

@Cromwell: They're way to busy Bingin' out their DROIDs.

@BlunderBus: It seems their attention is elsewhere: DROID *annoying robotic voice*

Boo. This should be $200-250 on contract. Isn't it basically just a larger Galaxy S, minus phone capabilities? FAIL

YouTube Illusionist? That wasn't one of the career options my high school guidance counselor discussed with me. I feel cheated.