Subliminal Bukkake

@NorCalAngler: If my G1 could run Eclair (and FroYo is in the works), I think it's safe to say that any of the current high end Android phones can handle 3.0, with or without carrier support.

@Jason Rouse: Google Music & Google Books might deter an Amazon partnership. They'll probably forgo a desktop client for a web/cloud-based client to manage your media. You can already use Picasa for all your pictures, GMail for contacts, and your phone apps/data/settings are stored in the cloud as well.

@Jason Rouse: I concur with the OP because most people don't care about 1.5 vs 1.6 vs 2.1 or OS updates in general. I have friends (mid 20s) that haven't updated their iPhone 3Gs - they just couldn't be bothered. If you're geeky enough to be concerned with having the latest & greatest then you need to hold out for

"1GHZ CPU, 512MB or RAM, displays from 3.5" and higher" - The Nexus One looks safe. C'mon October!

Coming soon: the iStand, perfect for preventing signal loss during all your FaceTime sexcapades.™

The Android Market needs:

@Piledriver: I can't see them going to T-Mobile just because the network isn't as strong, and the data plans are way cheaper than ATT's. I don't think they would be too happy about being undercut. Going with the largest GSM provider and the largest CDMA provider seems like a sound plan to minimize hurt feelings.

Quick, somebody trademark The VeriPhone™!

@cc: I'll be sticking to my ivory backplate then.

200 year old wood? Somebody didn't read the fine print on their Viagra prescription...

@Vanilla-Terror: It's not scientific by any means, but I'd say you should try it out for a day and see how it affects your own battery life. Other factors do come in to play, but I think it's safe to use in a regular day, unless you're constantly messing around on your homescreen. But in that scenario, your display

@Holyelephant: I've been running live wallpapers on my N1 ever since I got it, and I get about 14 hours per charge - 3 syncing email accts, FB syncing, Twitter syncing, moderate browsing, lots of texting, no more than 10 calls a day, and reading feeds on NewsRob. Doesn't seem like the live wallpapers (at least the

@Itz James: Remember the times when phones didn't get regular updates? I'd rather have a well made bug-free update than a rushed buggy POS. Patience is a virtue, my friend.

Sounds like he needs a ... Hot Tub Time Machine!

Fascinate? Vibrant? Captivate? These naming conventions are highly dubious. Whatever happened to [Manufacturer] [Model #]? They're eventually going to run out of colorful verbs and adjectives.

Wouldn't it be better for these idiots to base their business on Skype instead of limiting themselves to iPhone 4 users? It may also be hard to "perform various acts as desired by clients" while holding an iPhone 4.

@SanjiX: It wouldn't be a Lemon Party without Ol' Dick.

The good thing about Android phones is that even though your carrier may no longer support updates, there are talented devs out there that will. It's just an excuse to root your phone and load a custom ROM that will have more features than anything the carriers would have put out anyway.