Subliminal Bukkake

@krispyfresh: I guess I'm just not quite ready for prime time. Or it was just a mistaken starring. *sigh*

And on Day 2, Jesus wept.

You guys need to relax. The iTongs that come out next month will revolutionize how you hold cell phones going forward.

@abates25: Name, yes. Avatar, not so much. Just a dude celebrating a victory. Geez.

Ah, summertime in NYC. The stench of garbage juice, with not-so-subtle hints of dog/human urine, all intertwined with the aroma of sizzling street meat. There's nowhere else I'd rather be.

I secretly hoped that Apple would mail you the lost/stolen prototype, with iTunes credit for $4800. Oh well.

@planetarian: @sirmeili: I know drops happen, but this phone just came out yesterday. It seems like people are dropping it on purpose because they have the mistaken impression that it won't break.

It's hard out there for a geek, can't even stand in line for $600-ish gadget without the threat of being jacked. After the PS3/XBox 360 horror stories, I'm surprised that people still line up late at night - often with hundreds (or thousands, eg phone, mp3 player, laptop) of dollars of gadgetry on hand. Home

On a scale of 1 to Willie Nelson, how high were you when you shot these videos?

This just in: Glass breaks - some varieties more easily than others! Tune in at 11 for more.

Just mild hepatitis ...

@otus: I really don't think the general public cares about 2.1 vs 2.2 or even 1.6. If you're knowledgeable enough to be reading tech blogs, I'd assume you would go for the top of the line phones and leave the lemons for the less informed...

@Stevox: Going from 2.1 to 2.2 on my N1 I didn't lose any settings, apps, or app data. It might be a 2.1 thing but I'm not sure.

I guess Giz had this pretty much covered after the iFiasco, so I wasn't that excited. Gyroscope + iMovie (making it free would have been huge) + FaceTime (until he said WiFi only) = a half-hearted woo-hoo. Needed more tethering info, HDMI out, MobileMe, Cloud services in general, wireless syncing...

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This footage would be perfect for his opponent's attack ads. "Chris Dudley hates black people." #politics