
“they lack the creative and directive scope to actually accomplish this,”

Why not let people play Smash 4, melee and project m? Why shit on something other people enjoy?

How does project m hurt the competitive scene/comercial success of 4?

Wonder why Nintendo would even give a shit about someone modding an older gen console game. Its not like you can pirate the game to play project M or that it will translate to a loss of someone not buying ssb4

I really wouldn't care. Let a few Pokemon players who are going to buy the latest pokemon anyway play/mod to their hearts content.

Is it the same for Premiere updates?

Is it the same for Premiere updates?

It is the new creepy dude who hits on girls in the gym thing

You seem to want to have a different conversation than the one that these students started. It almost as if the students laid down some rails in which to convey their message and then, in this little pocket of the internet, you decided that the conversation can't be about what they originally laid down; now the

right, because the conversation about racial economic depression was going well before this event and has now been derailed into a ridicule fest. >_>

“poor white kid”

So its impossible to keep moving forward while bring to light the unnecessary problems in society? >_>

He is, and is very good at it. The nuance is brilliant really.

What does that have to do with racial discrimination in Yale?

HAHAHAHA wow, perfect troll, true nuance.

Lucas already got his payday, all this new merch goes to the MOUSE

Lucas already got his payday, all this new merch goes to the MOUSE


The asymmetry, in asymmetrical warfare, is that the little guy can only really damage the big guy by getting him angry enough to self-injure

So, there are no lazy devs?

Some will. Thats unavoidable. But if their conviction was soley for the senator from vermont instead of his ideals, would they even make it all the way to a presidential vote? That type of person will fervently post about Sanders, but will usually not be bothered to vote.

Sure, they aren’t a monolith, but they do share many common traits. Its a pretty safe bet that most people who are followers of Bernie are anti-everything Republican. Will some stick to their guns and not vote for a Republican in Democrat skin? Sure. But its not an absurd thing to propose that the same values that