


“Well, she did ruin a mans life by bringing the issues to light. Maybe she is just a vengeful ex.” - Some small town real life asshole / MRA trolls

Hell, imagine all the worlds billionaires funding manhunts and research in an attempt to buy an elixir of personal eternal life, at the actual cost of human life.

2ds for life

“But when it comes down to getting shit done, it’s time to put aside your need to feel special and praised and simply do your adult diligence without putting a cute word on it.”

You just need to work on your whatevering!

The hyperbole center of your brain must be colossal! I am interested in using your special case for a medical journal, if you are willing.

yeah, imagine if gamers gave as much of a shit about feeding the poor as they do about kojima’s recognition


Haha wow my bad. I’ve seen the “living wage” thing brought up a ton of times, but it is a hard thing to swallow. Its getting more traction from futurists tho, what with more and more work being automated and efficient. Hope it happens, fuck laboring.

I disagree. When I was unemployed with money coming in like magic I was constantly happy and completely valued my free time. I get depressed real fast when my literal survival depends on useless labor.

i read somewhere where everything you brought up was fake

what a luxury that would be

Sure, but that happens with melee too. New releases will always have a growing audience, smash 4 is probably the most popular/played version competitive and casual even with a preexisting “perfect” version like melee and project m. Idk, I think people blow the impact waaaaay out of proportion. Specially for

Holy shit, a HD version of old smash games would be so cash money

Why should anyone stop playing the games they enjoy? >_>

This times a million. People either over react to what Project M is or go waaaay out of their way to trash it. Let people mod to their fucking hearts content, that way we all get the games we want. Win win for everyone really.

So what are the objective requirements to make a video game competitive?

Do you really think smash players won't buy the newest version of smash even tho their preferred tourney version is way old? I know of no smash players in my scene who do this. Everyone buys the newest version for fun and then trains/grinds in their preferred version, either melee, project m , 64 or wii u