
Be specific then. talk about what you are talking about. Show an example of someone cheating that can be a mistake.

Well, I think its pretty simple (in regards to cheating). Of course you can’t extrapolate that to other forms of judgment, but we aren’t talking about other forms of judgment, which is why I asked for an example of when cheating would be morally defendable.

Well at least we all agree there is no reason to think that the husband would have been angry forever, in this life or the next. It is just a fictitious scenario that you created for some reason.

I have seen many telenovelas, they answer none of my questions.

I’m a bit confused. I know love songs and telenovelas are not reality. I also know humans can not be anything forever.

Progress! I’m glad we agree forever is not an 8 month period of time. I will, in good faith, skip over making a joke that the husband is not an eternal being that could be angry forever. That would just be childish.

Hey now! Stop being a dumb troll and start agreeing with greenarcher02!

Hey now, I just want to know how forever can fit into 8 months. Unless of course what you meant was “a subjectively long amount of time” instead of saying how much actual time passed.

Of course we should show compassion and understating to both the cheater and victim of cheating.

I am more than happy to go into how dumb I can get, if you could explain to me the mechanics of 8 months = forever. I think you have to live life a little more if your concept of forever involves 8 months.

So basically don’t criticize people for doing a BFD?

8 months = forever now

Well, taking anything more would be far too adult. We can't swing too much one way, one must maintain balance. Live life a little more and you will understand.

“I finally had to tell him that he could either stay mad, or we could stay married.” -OP Dictate.

I never addressed the couple in this thread, just some idiot that thinks “living more life” is a magic wand for getting over infidelity. To constantly assert that we can learn from the wisdom of the OP and then ignore any criticism about the OPs situation is absurd. It is great that the OP and her husband have worked

Well, he/she clearly said “No.”

Who is arguing about fault?

You clearly need to live life a little more!

I’m certain I made perfect sense, but I am also open to explain the parts you did not understand. Bless and take care!

Shorter! He should be used to this by the second time.