
Harrison was hoping that all that real estate development around the stadium would pan out, and it didn't when the economy crashed. It's all sour grapes, honestly. Blaming Red Bull is a better headline than blaming poor decision making on the part of Harrison politicians.

Now playing

This is what I was referring to. Check it out. Narrated by Bruce Dickinson, no less. It may just be limited to the A320.

Don't they design planes not to be able to do this anymore? I swore the A320 actually had a mechanism that prevented a plane from turning past a certain amount of degrees. I'm not an aviation expert at all, I just remember hearing this tidbit somewhere.

Wait, so... a Marine threatened a civilian who was exercising rights that the Marine allegedly fights to protect.

First goal was by Aaron Hughes, a man of negligible Irish ancestry. That was like his first club goal in 5 years (he's a defender), and he scored his first International goal last Thursday.

A Gawker blog advocating free market competition... *pinches self*

Creature23 - Creature was the name of some cool skateboard company, and 23 was a cool number. :)

Looks dumb

Vigo rules.

Why do Lacrosse goalies look like Transformers?

I'm unclear on one detail.

Yes, but it still won't replace the poster of Blake Griffin resting his nuts on Timofey Mozgov's chin.


Re: whippersnappers and their bling

This sounds like it's going to retail for like $500...


The goal celebration was better than the goal, haha.

Clearly staged. Come on.


I'm the other Nets fan. You're not alone.