
Williams hasn't actually played at Texas since 1999, so it's doubtful that this news will phase him too much.

Strong is clearly not taking this program high places.

Yet they still get rolled and smoked every Saturday.

Marilyn Hagerty is still hotter than me, and I've come to terms with it thank you goodbye.

I was going to say Hemingway. She would have sounded exactly like him if she'd talked more about drinks and ended up fucking Miguela.

This is sweet little old lady for "Go fuck yourselves, smug internet pricks" and it is awesome.

The Universe. Doesn't get anymore impressive than The Big Bang.

The sad irony of this, of course, is that Taylor's death had at least as much to do with him being a millionaire who lived in a big house as it had to do with him being a young black man. That is to say, the guys were robbing the house because it was big and they figured there'd be lots of valuable shit in it.

Firefly. Firefly, Firefly Firefly.

The Viennese premier (7th of May, 1824) of Beethoven's 9th Symphony with the master himself present on stage. It was his first appearance in 12 years.

I've seen it in the cinema, and it was wonderful, but when I first saw it I was ten and I *really* wish I'd seen it for the first time in a cinema. Imagine it would have been amazing.

I would love to have heard Orson Welles' original radio broadcast of War of the Worlds, mostly to witness the ensuing (if only minor) panic and fallout. This may make me an asshole, not totally sure.

Not a fictional debut, but I was born a few months after the first moon landing and so to me I didn't see what the big deal was about it. From my point of view it had always been possible.

Star Wars, no doubt. I was born in 1978, so if I'd just been 4-5 years older... I did get to see at least one of the original trilogy in theaters, though, with ROTJ. Rancor gave me nightmares for several days after that.

fo' sho'

Simmons gave a minor critique of his employer, and maybe went slightly beyond the bounds of what can be reported with 100% certainty in line with "journalistic standards", and he gets suspended for 3 weeks.

Naw, dick.

Ray Rice gets two weeks (initially).

That's Peregrine son of Paladin, Thain of the Shire, Prince of the Halflings, Guard of the Citadel, Knight of Gondor, Councillor of the North Kingdom.