
Drunk female guests are the only reason why people show up to frat parties. Otherwise, it's just a bunch of douchebags sitting around drinking shitty beer.

A Wizard of Earthsea by Ursula K. Le Guinn.

Ugh, I hate the narrative that "slaves were happy and grateful" - yeah, being subject to rape, torture, starvation, and having your family and children ripped away from you sounds like something that would make people 'happy'.

Agreed, this makes me fucking crazy. It's fucked up to drop the "N" word, but it is far more problematic to me that she wanted to essentially throw slavery themed parties, having all black servers in a plantation setting. And her remarks about how happy enslaved people were. As a historian of slavery it enrages me

"and to talk about how she's a reformed person who once used the word "nigger."

Lane Kiffin works for Alabama now, so he can claim sovereign immunity.

This has been on my mind for the longest time. Many a time white men have shown anger more than any other emotion. Just go on Tinder. It's extremely easy to piss off a white dude there. But white men have the privilege of being seen as complex human beings who aren't defined by one emotion. Not only that, white men

Hmm...finishing fast never seems like a successful strategy for me.

I'm an American—a Texan, too. My friend and I met at soccer bar at 7:30 this morning to watch the early games. By the 10 o'clock games, about 100 people were there just to watch soccer.

Yep, John Terry, Mourinho and Roman are a hard trifecta to outhate.

He's certainly not as bad as John Terry.

Yeah, not gloating by any means. I really wanted to see Liverpool win the league if Chelsea couldn't (they couldn't, not last season) and that was an especially cruel way to have everything shift. I hope he gets some kind of happy ending in his last few years, it would be a legitimate shame to have that stick in

And what of poor Southampton? They were been raided by United, Arsenal, and Chelsea in an unprecedented feeding frenzy, having most of their top talent snatched from them.

"And what of poor Southampton? They were been raided by United, Arsenal, and Chelsea"

Clint Dempsey raps like Greg Howard blogs

I'm glad Hester pulled off a rushing TD, and I'm curious if he can do the same against an NFL team later this season.

Just because it is expensive*, it does not mean that it looks nice.

After working for years toward the title of "worst place on earth", the reps at penn station were very displeased to hear they lost the award. Their statement: "We tried everything, delaying trains, cancelling them, having pigeons fly freely within the waiting areas, we even sent a guy to go take a dump on the floor