
I like bacon just fine, and I really wish everyone would shut the fuck up about it. I don't need to hear about and see pictures of bacon everywhere, constantly. If you carry on about the wonders of bacon, I just assume you are a super boring person in all other aspects of life.

'Political satire became obsolete when Henry Kissinger was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize.' Tom Lehrer

So the war criminal wanted to start World War III? Seems right.

I think it depends where you come from. It took me a long time to "come out" as an atheist because I might as well have been telling everyone around me I was a Satanist who hates them. Because idiots.

I don't think that atheists (minority), muslims (minority) n or any other minority group

Big Oil is a HUGE special interest that makes money hand over fist while receiving massive subsidies, corporate welfare and enormous tax credit. The cognitive dissonance is astounding. I wonder what it must be like to be so selfish?

My comments did not reflect my personal views

Seriously. Look at her outfit (bedazzled denim on denim). Look at their house.

"...there are certain people who are trying to make the whole world eat what they want to eat and do what they want to do. I don't think it's any of their business what I put in my mouth."

We live in a great country, but the agenda for our elected officials is too often dictated by special interest groups.

And I'm tired of rich people (minority) running this country too.

You know, another minority we could all do without is rich white assholes who can't keep their mouth shut.

I think it's a little omission, i suppose the bounty hunters are catching all the spies, if not JJ would fire them for shure.

Answer: It was Benedict Cumberbatch as Khan all along.

The problem is impossible to solve. We do not know how many of the spies that the separatists send are actually caught by the bounty hunters, so we lack sufficient information.

Not shown: other backup QB reading Slaughterhouse V.

Lou Holtz also said those orientals are sure good at math

It is the work of an insane person.

If I understand this letter correctly, RR is not offended by the word c*nt, just offended when it is used to refer to something that's not actually a woman.

Got married.