
Nerd alert: In Magic: The Gathering tournaments, which I played regularly until a few years ago, the structures are such that a large field will cut to an eight-man playoff after a certain number of rounds, and it's extremely common to have situations where both opponents in the final round will get in with a draw but

people who gave the US no chance of advancing: Americans! I cant remember a single german preview of the WC that said the US are crap and there is no chance they will make it.

Bovada works fine for me. Of course I actually took a prop at 33-1 on him for the Golden Boot. I saw nothing, no bite!! Let him play!

Now playing

Exactly. Chiellini caused Bergessio to miss more games than any of Suarez's "Crimes Against Humanity"

The alleged "Don't touch me, you South American" seems at least as racist.

I love Luis Suarez because he does shit like this. every story needs a great bad guy.

He's still contemplating losing the lead role in Eastern Promises to Viggo Mortensen

If he's indeed Croatian and over 30 years old (which he appears to be) then that man has definitely seen some things.

I can't think of any ethnic group I'd less like to rumble with than Slavs. Fuck that.

I get the feeling he's seen some things that make a little soccer fan brawl seem insignificant. Shudder.

This is going to ruin FIFA's reputation.

I wish he still had the mullet

They did not exist. And you fucking know it.

Thank you so much for saying this. This isn't your local band you're pissed at for selling out and getting fake fans. Jump aboard bandwagoners and new fans, there's plenty of room.

See, i think this is the problem with people who want to start watching soccer. They're told Americans don't care about soccer and they should, and then when they want to take interest they get elitist, shitty statements like this.

The outrage against Bradley tells me one thing: that most of America still doesn't understand soccer. I think everyone would agree that Bradley was not himself in the Ghana match. But let's get one thing straight: he is undoubtedly the best player on this squad. People who think he played poorly yesterday only reflect

respectfully, nope. bradley wasn't "repeatedly" dispossessed. he actually didn't turn the ball over off a pass once (i checked whoscored to make sure), and outside of that last turnover, which was horrible and tragic, i don't really remember anyone taking the ball off of him. but, you know, carry on anyway.

Ha ha awesome. And not surprised King would be amused and happy for her. He founded a charity to help writers who have come on hard times and is a big advocate for working authors.

You really hate Bradley huh? Why not hate on any of the 7 players that were behind him when that turnover happened? Or Beckerman not running to take the ball when the pass to Bradley is hit heavily? Should he have done better? Yes. Should he have scored? Probably, but he was just focusing on getting a touch on the