
He jumps much higher he just damn well might break the color barrier.

Those are the actual Japanese words. サッカー is Romanized as "sakka", and チャント is written as "chanto".

It goes back a looooooooooooot further than WW2.

Sudden cardiac arrest is Qatari for being beaten to death by the cops for trying to leave.

if you keep building bigger stadia to put those smaller stadia in, eventually, your mega-mega-mega stadium will be located somewhere cool. Problem solved.

1) The Hoover Dam is not in California, it is located in Clark County, Nevada.

Qatar is just too hot for outdoor physical work. They have enough money so they really ought to get someone to build large indoor structures where they can work in relative comfort.

Don't worry — everything will be better when the Khaleesi comes with her dragons.

well at least he something REALLY terrible like smoke pot. Slap on the wrist, and we'll see you in training camp Hardy.

I ask the same question about Jessica Simpson all the time.

it's a matchday scarf. it has one team on one half, and one on the other. misinformed twats are the real crime against humanity.

I'm not hating it. but want to see it in motion. If that chest plate moves organically, like it's just a layer of fabric over real muscle, then great. If it looks like he's wearing a breastplate from 300 under a layer of spandex, then NO.

I don't have a problem with houses exploding per se, but on live television? What am I supposed to tell my kids?

Naturally the winter coats also carry smallpox.

When questioned about his decision to send the letter, Snyder explained that it was insensitive to the Native American community for Arrington to call himself a "Redskin" when he was clearly "a Brown."

A native of Detroit and graduate of one of its top high schools, Joey Crawford fancies himself a Renaissance man. But if that were true, someone would have thrown a bag over his head, tied a rope around his ankles, and heaved him into a river long ago.

I love when a white person's "progressive" view on race involves telling black people what they can and cannot do. Personally, I'd much rather hear "Nigger, do what you want, it's your life" than "Respected African-American brother, I will NOT allow you to do that for your own good." Fuck you cracker ass Kojak

Weird they didn't mention that in the article oh wait

[Puts on fedora, opens PBR] There are no American sports rivalries that compare to football, whose rivalries often transcend the sport into geopolitical, religious, and historical conflicts. Now let me go wash all this insufferable hipster off me

Please, dear, do me, a dying man in his last days, one last favor - play me that recording - the one where I spew unbelievable hateful shit and sound like the worst person to ever walk the Earth. I want to remember. I want to remember the good ol' days. Please, dear. Pleeasseee. Cough. Cough.