
A man can dream (hence the praying). It would be the best venue.

Contra. I would go see Contra.

Favorite game of all time. I'll go see this, if only to get mad about it afterwards.

So fucking upset I was out of town for a wedding.

Really didn't mean to come off harshly. My bad. Seriously didn't think that wasn't a pejorative commonly used everywhere. Not always easy to show surprise, rather than aggressive snark in a comment thread.

Oh, I know: a friend was assaulted and fucking shot in the head (albeit many years ago, though it's not like that has stopped), which miraculously didn't kill him. Worked on the appeal against NY's ban against gay marriage. Just a question for the universe on a Sunday night. Not at all shocked, but can see how my

Feel free to delete "which" and "might" from the end of that sentence.

I want to watch her dance now.

Is this a joke, or are you serious? Where do you live? I've never not known that was a slur, which is one of the ancillary effects of growing up down South (knowing pretty much all the slurs....good times. Sigh). That's one of the oldest ones just about everywhere: in Europe, racist fans often throw bananas at footy

Why the fuck does this still happen? Gross.

Nice jab, but she should have been roundly ridiculed, stripped of her titles and shunned. I'm not confusing the two: empathy w/ her is self-indulgent and dangerous because her opinions are unfuckingacceptable.

Besides being stupid, I like how this makes no allowance for someone whose family moved somewhere before someone was born.

Ugh, if this is just weed - and I'm sure it is - what a waste.

Took me a second. Well done.

They read how many books...? They clearly could read, and it doesn't take much of an intellect to read Mein Kampf, let alone the rest of the shit he said, to understand that it's garbage. At least Lenin made some sense.

Banning is never okay, but James and the Giant Peach?! Good fucking god people are stupid.


Really wonder who's idea it was. Pretty f'ing boss, either way.

Liverbird, with a golden sky.

Someone who will win at all costs when on the pitch, and was bred to be that person since childhood?