
Hahahaha - Sal is a bit much. Yeah: it's their pod from this week; like 9/22. Can't remember the time stamp. Maybe about 20 minutes? Started listening on the commute home and traffic was worse than normal, so between 20 and 25, I'd guess.

To believe that Luis is some kind of diving incarnate of all that is evil such that you would not be able to cheer for a team is not level-headed.


Explaining it away as some sort of sympathetic psychological rebellion is a luxury for the super-duper elite. What a disgusting human being, along w/ the rest of her caste.

Wondered if this would happen; was hilarious when I first listened. Good for Simmons. F-ck Goodell; he is a liar.

God I f'ing miss Luis in Red. Barely watch la liga, but October 25th can't get here soon enough.

You would think so.


But if they hadn't come over here, they would never have gotten a chance to be part of the 'murcan dream.

F-ck you, Paula. F-ck you.

Luntz is a terrible human being.

I don't mind Arlo that much. Far worse announcers out there.

Few are.

Didn't think you were, and yeah, it really was. Watched w/ a buddy that is a rabid chelsea fan and he didn't even talk shit after the game (which is rare).

It was rough, but if we put one in during the second half we're fine. Been a fan since childhood and that was as heartbreaking a fan experience as I've ever had. We should've been able to get a goal, regardless of that mistake.

Hah - I love that he did that.

Methinks the writer doesn't much like LFC.


Stopped reading after Gerrard "arguably cost his team the league title." We're just going to blithely ignore everything other than the Chelsea game and having to play under a tactical dinosaur at the WC?

Pretty bitter right about now I no longer live in NYC and won't be able to get up there to see this.