It kind of intrigues me as something new and different that seems really cool....but then at the same time, I get this chill down my spine that it might get really boring and repetitive after a short while.
It kind of intrigues me as something new and different that seems really cool....but then at the same time, I get this chill down my spine that it might get really boring and repetitive after a short while.
Cool, so they finally brought red light, green light to video games...awesome, they finally are paying attention to my suggestions!
Not to mention get shot with 5 bullets but still be able to sprint at full speed and re-generate
That would be all kinds of awesome, with one player stuck playing as Dotcom...having to waddle around as slow as a juggernaut, constantly giving thumbs up to everyone. But does have the advantage of being able to cheat.
Is it two next month, or is next month when they release 2 pieces of the Survivor / co-op DLC?
They SHOULD have set it up so that the Elite playlists offered ALL of the exact same gametypes as the regular playlists...not just the stupid 6 or 7 gametypes they have up there.
I totally agree with you, myself and most everyone I know that plays and has paid for Elite...NOBODY plays the Elite playlists because of that crappy little list of gametypes available.
I think where they have screwed up is that the Elite playlists are only a select number of gametypes, with only one hardcore mode option...mosh pit. Which most players hate.
Played a ton of Battlefield, COD and other shooters....never have I thought "wow this is a realistic game". Realistic looking, maybe, realistic though? I am not a veteran, but know full well it is nowhere near realistic...
Makes total sense if one wishes to start the procedure to shutdown the machine...
Coincidentally all the phones on my family plan (4 lines) contracts run out in the next 6-8 months or I am very close to the time where I can realistically pick up and switch the entire plan with little to no penalty...
Here is a nutty idea Sprint....if you don't want me to leave, then get your asses to work offering more than one, single, pathetic Windows Phone. The same Windows Phone you have been selling for the past 12 months!
Because of the facebook relationship....and what they call in business school first mover benefit.
What they really need to do...improve PSN and start charging for PSN. Lotsa fanboys would be seriously butthurt by such a notion, but from a business perspective, thats one huge improvement they could make.
Something tells me it still costs well over $150 to manufacture...they are already bleeding money, not going to increase that bleeding by either A) increasing the loss hit they take on PS3's sold or B) going back to taking that hit (if they are break even or in the black on HW unit sales now).
Price Points way too is usually the primary problem with most all Sony products.
Thats stupid thinking....they do not NEED Zynga, but Zynga sure as heck needs them.
I think they all should get unicorns too!
Instructional... I said, your opinion is not so bad...just ignorant.