Tax cuts/breaks to individuals and corporations combined made up about 1/3 of the stimulus package. 1/3 is not "mostly".
Tax cuts/breaks to individuals and corporations combined made up about 1/3 of the stimulus package. 1/3 is not "mostly".
Yes, but what is not impossible to do is for Cook mandate Foxconn provide decent working conditions, hours and wages (fair according to China's standard of living, not ours) to its workers.
If they had their devices manufactured at the cost the American workers, and their unions have determined is a fair living, they do not turn only a couple billion in profit a quarter. They don't turn any profit a quarter.
Will there be a wedding? I red somewhere there may be a wedding, or perhaps that might happen in Season 3...
I wonder though, if they will try and work "the scene" into this season or save that for season 3?
Aww man, if that is true, that's just mean on his part. Just downright mean. Could he not find a protege, or some writer he could judge for himself as "worthy" to finish the story if need be? Or at the very least, put together some cliff notes of how it all turns out, so that if the unfortunate happens and he dies…
The books are very good. Very, very, very good. Almost Tolkien good IMO...
Ah, ok, well...I guess a Treaty is a Treaty at least until one of the paticipants decides to withdraw. It WILL be ours bitches! It has been decreed to be so, and what we want....we get! We need some spare space to store our extra fuel rods...oops did I say fuel rods, I meant, rods!
Seems the most likely scenario to play out, sometime in our kids lifetimes maybe is they wind up trying to treat it like they do Antarctica...
Send up a team of lunar honey badger astronauts!
I agree why he said it, and maybe at some other point in idea worth debating and kicking around the barber shop.
In this magical future, there could be no such thing as a self-interested thief...thieves would be a thing of the past, because how could something be stolen if everything belongs to everyone?
Wait, you say the treaty was "pitched"? I am a little fuzzy, did the President actually sign the Treaty and was it ratified by Congress?
Not only that....she has also, quite quickly come to the very public conclusion that...this industrial chemical polution might be the cause of these symptoms. Or, solar flares might be the cause too, maybe space aliens, maybe something these teens ate, or drank or took.
I completely of the most important things I remember from my Stats class in college was that correlation does not necessarily imply causation. It MAY, but does not necessarily.
Hey! You got your Jezebel post mixed in with my Gizmodo!
I went with 1908 today...feeling kind of old, not enough sleep last night.
That is true...but like you said, is really hard to pull off,
Interesting stat...377,900 iPhones sold a day = kind of impressive. is excellent at filtering the spam out of my inbox. I only get the emails I am supposed to get, and then once in a while for lulz I check out the junk box...just packed full of spam, then I flush it all at once. Its fun!