Just what is it you think we all should be using instead of hotmail Jamie?
Just what is it you think we all should be using instead of hotmail Jamie?
It is fun sometimes for the stuff you mention, but it is totally messed up design though in that it is too narrow, too small and definitely too few chokepoints.
See, thats what I am saying though....I find it hard to believe they would be so incredibly stupid to make that disc people buy a coaster...Customers will NOT stand for it and run, not walk away from the console if the disc's are "nerfed" somehow to only play for one person's profile.
Funny you would bring up Metro...the one map, that from everyone I have ever heard from, played with, friends etc. and having played it myself...seems to be universally despised in Battlefield.
Frame Rate, yes, 1/2 that on consoles as PCs...player count...1/2 that on consoles as PCs...AND map size, graphics detail. All of that, because the current generation of consoles simply do not have the power.
Not sure where my caring about anything comes into play...it doesn't.
I kind of forgot to...think it was the same old us vs. them argument that the Occupy protesters are infatuated with.
I am just using "evil" as they have definied it...and the quote Giz refers to here is one of the main practices that they used as an example of the sort of "evil" things OTHER guys would do. And that Google in turn said/implied they would not do.
Do we need more power for the consoles?
I don't think, other than their own studio's games, (someone correct me if I am wrong) that Microsoft determines the price of games.
I think, they must know, any idiot would that there are a whole bunch of their customers out there that feel exactly as you do. And that if they actually tried something like this it would be monumentally stupid...literally driving millions of their customers away.
I really, really cannot believe the part about the used games...They have to know that if they actually tried to implement that kind of restriction (as described here) would be a complete disaster.
I love mine too, really great and handy....but if they think just because they have 170,000 apps on their app store that they can sit on their heels and not worry about competition, they will be in trouble after a while.
Ah, makes me all that happier I only have the bare minimal account that I needed to create for my phone. I sure as heck do not log into that account, or any account any time I use Google on my PC or other devices.
Their freaking motto, supposedly the main key thing that they hang their "white" hat on, as opposed to Yahoo, or Microsoft, or AOL or any of the others is that they "do no evil". STILL THAT is what they claim.
I tried to work through those, because I am being honest I did love the game...in the end though, I was so ticked, leveled up characters = gone. Save games = gone. Hours of gameplay, gone.
Yeah, of course, scale is completely different...but if you look at it just in terms of their actions, their methods and their "goals" and how they are going about to achieve those goals... youy think about it...pretty much the same as terrorists.
in the end...aren't we all?
I really enjoyed inFamous 2...thank God for that and Uncharted, gave me a reason to turn my PS3 on in 2011, glad it still worked.
I would have to say Dead Island actually, for me, fit both categories....biggest surprise for being a LOT of fun to play, with lots of replay value.