Yay know, based on their track record of DLC sales...pretty sure they CAN and do sell DLC....a LOT of it.
Yay know, based on their track record of DLC sales...pretty sure they CAN and do sell DLC....a LOT of it.
LOL, exactly...not sure how one could state it is "over-rated"....what, specific, ratings is he referring to? And, how would he know it is over-rated, having not seen it.
ahhhh and I see your one of them
Yeah, well, Kim Kardashian got her own show too...Lots of people have their own shows that really do not deserve them.
The point is....they still want to keep on pretending like they are the "good guys", not doing all these "evil" things that the other Companies engage in.
Actually, I don't get much of any spam anymore, either corporately or my personal hotmail...so, it has been solved for me!
Well then, the Company that they have evolved into....is fundamentally at odds with their previous creed (and what they claim today to still be their creed). But they still want to be able to keep wearing the white hat as the "good guys".
Well, that statement is not just "something he said" 8 years ago...That WAS one of their core principles / examples of how they claimed to put their "Do no evil" motto into actual practice with their corporate policy.
Not enough, not nearly enough....LOL
I think your right, the "ecosystem" is going to get a lot bigger than Zune, Phone and Xbox when they actually start putting out Windows 8 tablets, PCs and the "One App Store to rule them all!" I mean, serve as the marketplace for all transactions across PC/Tablet/Phone and Xbox
Giving them back to people? How does one give something they do not own?
Well, a rational central message to be exact...
You know what the Occupy movement needs? A Shave, a haircut and a shower....followed by learning a skill that people will pay them to do.
Its been done...actually there was a device like that for the old Xbox. Don't think it sold too well though. LOL the original XBox was not something anyone would call "portable" by much of any stretch of the imagination. But they did it, came up with a case and fold down laptop screen for it.
Kill/Death ratio? For all game modes? How high would you rank a player with a K/D ratio of 5.2 that also had a W/L ratio of 0.12? Especially if you looked at the games that player played and saw they were all, say, domination or HQ?
Glancing at the top of that leaderboard, the highest amount of time played I saw was 30 flipping days. Running the numbers on that, assuming on the high end that the game has been out about 80 days or so (?)...that calculates to averaging 9 HOURS a day for every single day the game has been released.
I would be on a boat!
Would be completely stupid to go based on K/D ratio, except of course for the leaderboard exclusively for Deathmatch. But, just as it is silly to go just based on game XP score.
So, does this basically make these guys the cyber-gaming version of terrorists?
Don't get me wrong, I paid for the Elite, because like you said, being someone who enjoys the multiplayer with friends online...I am fine with it, was going to probably buy the packs anyway. And, honestly am not mad about it.