
A good portion of the reason for being bogged down in Iraq for nearly 10 years was BECAUSE they felt the need to try and conduct that as a "clean" war. Going to extraordinary lengths, where possible, to avoid or minimize collateral damage or civilian casualties.

Yeah, Guitar Hero is a good example...and should be a cautionary tale for them. And I suppose they could do what they did there, and wind up strangling the goose that lays the golden eggs.

Exactly, so yeah, I guess that is true, they did add an option....the option of blindly paying them upfront a full $50 for an unknown amount of DLC.

Quake was, and still is, for mama's boys.

If I was the prosecutor, I would totally bring that up in closing arguments....

Or had a life in the 80's?

Happened to be looking the other night at the 360 leaderboard. Highest time played I saw was someone ranked, like 6th or so in score...30+ DAYS played. Game has been out, what, 10-11 weeks now? Thats, I guess at the most 80 days total the game has been publicly available.

Would have been more legit if it was Juicy Juice....I'm just sayin'...

Just because we have not heard of him cheating to get his current MW3 ranking...does not mean it did not happen.

I am thinking someone needs to make the "anti" version of The Social Network based on this guy. LOL, sitting in his evil lair playing COD all day to reach the top of a leaderboard full of hackers and modders.

Would not say usually, but yes, sometimes they are...They do what any sensible business should do, they want YOU in THEIR ecosystem, not Sony's. And paying for an exclusivity period on DLC for games like this or GTA is one method of doing that.

Those "more" options in the form of the "option" to not pay for the subscription....are not more options, not pre-paying for a subscrition and having the option to purchase DLC by itself are options were already there.

It is like Madden now, like it or not, and like Madden it has numerous (millions of) people that enjoy it even as it is with the same engine and all that.

I think "people" as you call them, know full well that they have options.

They own World of Warcraft, which I think definitely has an influence on their decision to not follow that trend and to keep trying to establish that "golden" cow that keeps on giving, on a regular basis.

By my math, based on mutliplayer maps released...(not counting the spec ops DLC) they need to release 16.66666666 maps between now and November to make the $50 a break even proposition, for most players, at least most people on my friends list.

Why on earth do you think they would (or should) give a shit whether they "screwed you over" or not? You being someone who clearly does not own their product?

I guess my first problem is, and this begs a follow up question that I think should have been asked and the answer given in this post...

You know, I am all for this, I think more options available to appeal to more approaches to gameplay is always better. To appeal to people's particular desire to play that way and all that.

Very true, learned very quickly at a young age...way back when the games were more "hardcore", save early and save VERY often. LOL