
Most people I know on Live just find it to be the better, easier to use service. Easier to find friends online, easier to chat with them, see what games they are playing, join the games they are playing, party chat...all that stuff. And they prefer the interface, I do too. Not to mention matchmaking and a more

Yes, of course, regulation that already exists, has existed for a mighty long time. Regulation that the DOJ is enforcing. Problem becomes when publicity hungry politicians start layering on more, broader, forms of regulation on top of regulation that is already there. Purely for the purpose of making headlines for

Didnt Pixar get spun off / sold to Disney? At least most of it?

News to me that Apple is in love with Adobe...and vice versa.

Yeah, thats what I figured...a very nice bit of extremely subtle humor in there to jab at Bama fans...

In the end, it does not matter, from a business perspective how many exclusives they have locked up. What they do have locked up, in North America definitely, is the walled garden that is Live. Unless and until Sony can put out an online service that competes (whatever the price is), exclusives just dont matter that

In notice in the letter Mr. Downing does not proclaim that he would never stoop so low as to teabag an LSU fan. Just that he would not stoop so low as to root for Alabama.

This from the same genius that helped give us Dodd-Frank? Yeah, he has a lot of credibility as someone that knows what the F he is talking about.

They updated their concept design from a while ago....submitted this latest drawing for the same NASA program.

I don't think the stealthy part helps much...but Boeing has put a lot more work already into the concept of a Blended Wing Body being the distant "future" of more efficient aircraft. This was what they submitted I think for the same NASA sponsored design submission.

Seems like Lockheed Martins idea was a bit more radical...

Those damn sparkles....they'll getcha, every damn time.

Where is the outrage though....his answer was correct!

Perhaps so....and just by sheer coincidence, the TV happened to be on that channel in the background and I saw this live (don't watch Jeopardy too much). And, that was my first thought after hearing that.

Well, the only America that matters...

I enjoyed the game quite a bit, and every friend online I had that played it did as well...found it a lot of fun with lots of challenges. EXCEPT for the game crippling bugs and glitches that, for me and a lot of others, made the game unplayable after a time.


You rather live there or Beijing right now?

Really...sad, but not surprising there would eventually be at least one comment blaming America.

And place the fighter jet so close to the cars that it could not take off, thus deterring the theft of the jet as well.