One of my favorite past-times in COD games....dishing out some booster justice...vigilante style!
One of my favorite past-times in COD games....dishing out some booster justice...vigilante style!
Tend to agree....part of my equation though was assuming the number of maps "dropped" throughout the year would be consistent with their history...3-4 map packs with 5 maps. Them only dropping 2 new maps for this January drop makes me a bit nervous as to whether or not there will be the 16.66666 new maps this year…
Sure, of course thats going to happen...when Sony or Microsoft literally drops down on the conference table an 8 figure check, they will just say: "Thanks, but no thanks, we are not interested in revenue or profit"
I thought Ghost Recon Advanced Future Super Warfighter Soldier was coming out this Spring? Is it not? Still "to be determined"?
Dang straight....All these airlines should immediately cancel those stupid orders for stupid-ass A380's and get themselves some shiny new Intercontinentals!
How do you see these as imitating Apple products? I do not much in the way of similarities...other than, as you pointed out the basic "sleek" aspect of it. Which, to my knowledge, Apple does not own the patent on "sleek"...yet
Well, it certainly seems (fingers crossed) that there finally is a manufacturer coming along that refuses to create the bloat...which I think portends well for them.
Good point...
I was hearing it would be ESPN the Ocho
Or also an interest in not using their plane as a missile to drive directly into helicopters...
Exactly...kind of the same argument why, even though they could have some machine do it, people would not let a machine pack a parachute.
LOL, kind of just what I was going to point out...just why real life pilots, even with thousands of hours of flight time still (should be) meticulously literally checking off every item, in sequence in the lengthy pre-flight checklist. Even the jet pilots, I wonder ,do they still use a greaseboard / check items off…
If your gonna get depressed because other people don't like the stuff you like...well, your life must just suck 100% of the time then.
Not really on the topic, but I still have a bone to pick with that particular scene / picture from the show...
I am pretty sure they could, just like we could...could easily be construed as an act of war though.
Well, yeah, but thats just cuz they are evil commies...
No, I agree with you, was pointing out to Tekno that players that are in games to have their fun by screwing up other people having fun playing the game...then yes, we do not like it when people play for that.
Well, your money your choice, I find PSN to be worth even less than the amount of money I have to pay to use it...
Well, in order to do that you would have to do so in a private match...which has no impact on stats. Now, if you and 7-15 of your other friends were to go to all the trouble and work to gain total control of a public room, with no strangers. Well then, nobody would have cause to complain and so there would be no…
Would definitely require the developers to do something....but if they can make a presentation that constantly has as the biggest screen there, a view showing the entire map view with color coded icons etc. of all players moving in real time on the map at all times.