What riot? I was told there would be riot footage, quite dissapointing to not actually see any.
What riot? I was told there would be riot footage, quite dissapointing to not actually see any.
Sure, sounds good, but lets not limit it there...throw in all the nut job athiests as well, heck even nut job agnostics. Lets just get rid of all the nut jobs....maybe you have some sort of final solution in mind for these nut job religious people?
Why not just "slightly" heat your garage? Put a space heater out there not necessarily to heat it to 70 degrees, but just turned up enough to keep the interior above freezing?
LOL, that was my thinking exactly....surprising how well a blatantly obvious troll was so successfully trolled. Well executed on his part....textbook.
Exactly...Nintendo sailed off into their own waters to let the other 2 battle it out in the "HD-console" ocean" And as it showed, it was the absolute best strategy for them. Now, sounds like the Wii U will be out there with the similar "HD" specs to go head to head with the current 360 and PS3....
I don't think I would necessarily agree with the "still" part...granted, Nintendo still has a huge (insurmountable? Probably...) lead in install base with like75 million consoles sold lifetime. But, to my knowledge, the Wii has been in 3rd place in consoles sold every month fot the last year, if not the last 2…
And next week's report from the crack I-Team, an even more insidious dangerous game sweeping campuses, called "quarters". We are told the game might involve drinking, and, yes you guessed it...a quarter. Sick, sick kids.
Meh, thanks but no thanks, will stick with the Bing app.
Mmmmm hmmmm, the PR industry, second only to politicians in thinking of new and creative ways to make it sounds like your saying something, when in reality your saying nothing.
Maybe...just maybe I was making a commentary on the nit-picky-ness of the OP and the irony of his nit-picking...in that he was incorrect in his smarmy little "correction".
Maybe they could check with Hugo Chavez, get his advice on how he deals with citizens that protest his policies?
What? No "Joshua"???? Outrage!
EXACTLY....could not agree more. Should have walked up, gave them their warning, when they refused to respond to the warning, hog tie them if you have to and carry them off to jail. Thats what they want anyway, so give it to them.
While I agree with most of what your saying....you have to admit, this tub of lard campus cop was just a complete moron. I mean, have some balls and just walk up, pick up the protestors, slap the zip tie's on them and carry them if you have to to the paddy wagon.
Call me nostalgic, but what's wrong with the good old fashioned nightstick. It was good enough for their parents and good enough for many previous generations of protesters...
Yeah, totally, like you know, the old mimeograph's that people used to make copies were not broken....Xerox were such a bunch of complete morons for fixing something that was not broken.
Which, to Gantz' point, is not a helicopter.
Osprey is not a plane either...
Read the article...all that stuff will be in the cloud, as well as on your device if you choose.
As others have pointed out already in other threads....this all makes sense, unless of course, 343 has been working on Halo 4 for the new machine from the get-go as a launch title.