MMmmmmm if memory serves, TDM, S&D, Domination, Kill Confirmed + maybe one other one... No CTF, no HQ at least not as a dedicated hardcore playlist
MMmmmmm if memory serves, TDM, S&D, Domination, Kill Confirmed + maybe one other one... No CTF, no HQ at least not as a dedicated hardcore playlist
That it is funny, yet also sad and pathetic that you would be THAT obsessed about that game that you would allow even it's mention to get you pissed off.
Uh-oh, looks like someone has a bee in his bonnet over a certain hoo.
I agree...Battlefield 3 is a lot better, still not the same, but a lot better.
I have way more flag attack ribbons than I know what to do with...
Party chat and/or the "mute player" option works wonderfully... Not sure why so many people complain about this stuff when there is such an easy solution to the problem.
You touch on both a strength AND one of Battlefields biggest weaknesses there...
Could be, could be...I could see a scenario where it has reached the zenith, the very top of the curve, but then to take a page from Maddens book and still have several years of strong sales....just each year a bit less than before.
My personal experience / preference, seeing as how you shared your desire for a Vita....
I did not read the actual link, but in the brief quote....did not see anything about a claim that Origin would be the one to "beat" steam. Just the specific quote that "Steam has nowhere to go but down."
See where you went wrong there, it is actually 11/11/2011....I wonder if people made a big deal about it way back at 11:11:11 on 11/11/1111?
I would add to those, as someone having played it and will keep playing...
A lot of people do like McDonald's....and a lot of people don't. The people that don't have plenty of other options, and still plenty of other burger flippers willing to innovate to cater to their taste(s). Question is, why would those people feel the need to be elitist and bad mouth the McDonalds customers. It's…
Thats cool, I can certainly appreciate that. You have your opinion, they have theirs. PC gaming has its own set of challenges, that I, as a former PC only gamer, am more than happy to have left behind.
IF that were actually the case, then how does a Fat burger, or In and Out, or Sonic come into existence?
I think he is referring to idiots not so much in your case, as someone that has played the prior games and is dissapointed in the quality of the subsequent games. I think he is referring to people that feel the need to comment / criticize / hate on Call of Duty that have never played any of the games and never will,…
Awesome post Luke, really well said. I have wondered sooooo many times reading comments on COD, or any other game for that matter, and wondering to myself.... OK fine, you don't like it, thats cool, so why would you bother reading news about it and even further commenting on it? Why does the hater / commenter care?
I see what your bad. Sorry.
New maps, new modes, new weapons, different perks and streaks to try...not to mention new campaign and/or co-op modes. Same reason people buy a new car every few years, even if it is the same make/model (if they can afford to)...They like how it drives, but want to try the new stuff in the new model.
And the "art house" indy film crowd pipes up yet again at the injustice of it all that a Michael Bay movie rakes in huge sales.