It is sad, but, like most other players anymore...I dont even care, just never even bother looking at global leaderboards in any games. They mean nothing.
It is sad, but, like most other players anymore...I dont even care, just never even bother looking at global leaderboards in any games. They mean nothing.
Yeah, but I see what he is saying, sure just unlocking / getting the (engineer only) weapons is nice. But that does not do too terribly much for the player, seems like to me it is the attachments you need to unlock that really give advantage. Particularly the IR Scope(s)...they really should have put something in…
Just what I was going to say, maybe not as long ago as BF1942....but definitely the same thing in BF 1943, people would do that all the time. Make their way to the enemy carrier, hide just like that guy did and C4 their planes. Which, I may have done myself once or twice...if it was a particular boring game
Just get yourself an Xbox, problem solved!
You would have to have your head pretty deeply in the sand to not know this game is releasing on Tuesday, nobody needs to be a "website" warrior to figure that out.
Pretty sure some kid whose parents unknowingly bought the game early is not going to get the complete ban hammer if he plays it right away.
Well, except, seeing as how it was from StepTo, who is not an employee of Activision, but is Microsoft's head Xbox Live Terms enforcement "cop"...not sure how it is your saying it is "coming from activision"?
I agree with regards to the iPhone, and most any smart phones in general.
I would correct that a can get into a match with 3 of your friends, AND get all 4 of you in the same squad. It can be a blast to play, a LOT of fun, especially when all of you use different classes and stick together...using each classes support feature to, you know, support your team-mates…
You talking 650 million dollars?
I agree, their player / squad / party matchmaking is just awful....a complete mess.
My wallet is far happier now that I have joined the console gaming peasants. Even with that huggggge hit it takes paying that whopping $60 for Live, money well spent.
Me and my friends have been kind of playing just conquest, which is fun. I really should speak up and get them to agree to doing Rush as well...
I dont think Activision is going to make any changes in their strategy based on what Battlefield sold. Especially if it is only 5 million copies across all platforms.
I tend to agree with all the points of your post, although, I must admit I have been enjoying playing the game on the 360. Occasional rubber band lag annoyances not withstanding...
You sounds like the people that have been predicting the death of the film industry for the last 40 years, all because of the "churning" out of Michael Bay movies and 4 different Alvin and the Chipmunk movies.
If you have someone to do the co-op missions with, there is a co-op mission that involves flying the helicopter that can be done repeatedly...
Someone wanting to play Battlefield 3 today, I am going to take a wild guess, will NOT be able to do so on a standard multip-purpose PC purchased 4 years ago.
Yeah, would love to hear a press release proclaim "This next game is gonna be pretty big and ambitious, but you know, to be honest with will not be as big and ambitions as that last game we did!"
Plus, with the windmills in there, looks like it may stretch into San Bernardino county as well...if not maybe all the way to Palm Springs?