
I do believe you are correct on all the obvious of the Metro UI being designed for tablets that maybe someday in the distant future may finally make it to the marketplace.

Saw on Xbox Live Marketplace the other night a special set of Bethesda promotions, including Oblivion horse armor for only 100 points!

Was that Mattel or Coleco? Or was Coleco the same as Mattel...either way, I know what your talking about. I played the daylights out of the football game.....

I totally agree, in my book these Internet vigalantes, even if it was the guy, are barely a half step above Internet bullies. But they rationalize their nonsense by telling themselves they are different because their cause us "just".

So, you felt it was perfectly ok to throw someone's name out there for the Internet lynch mob to string him up, based on what you"heard"? That's just peachy, really responsible. Better safe than sorry? How on earth is your floating someone's profile out there based on something you heard "safe"? It sure as heck is

Ohhhhhhh man, it is on now! Pop, Pop!

Good advice because the vigalante internet lynch mobs are on their way to string him up...oh wait, wrong fucking guy. Ooops, sorry about that!

And I have heard, that you are completely fucking wrong.

Internet bullying can be an ugly, ugly thing...even when done by internet lynch mobs with "good intentions".

Sure, its an uncharted game and to be expected....but hey, one moment he is barely alive practically crawling through the desert, you can feel his thirst almost, the desperation to find water....devestation to discover the well is dry. But then by a miracle he finds the energy to scale 30' high walls, then run and

That is a good point, even as a "loyal" 360 owner (and owning both consoles)...That wireless adapator was the biggest ripoff in the history of console peripherals. I just had to shake my head at that one and say "really Microsoft, your really gonna do that?". And they sold that thing for seems like 3-4 years before

I agree....after finishing it, all I could think of was...good game, pretty fun and entertaining but would be a great game to put in the category of weekend or week long rental rather than purchase.

That was my idea right off the bat, and if dumpsters were not available I had a couple other ideas of what they could do with them...

LOL, she was annoying, I was waiting and waiting for her to give me some sort of quest, some kind of challenge so that I could show her that I truly was a badass. But no, she just stands there against the post yammering away.

Same here....the ending, not to give away any spoilers, but was the dictionary definition of "anti-climactic". Any ending that I can sleep walk through, while eating a sandwich and talking to someone on the phone at the same time, is not a very good ending. LOL

Having just finished it the other night, after playing the first half of the game I agree with all your points....and to some extent still do. The level design, variety, AI of the enemies, and the driving are all....whats the word...well executed.

To add to that, all console peripherals are overpriced....that has always been the case.

Why is it that hot dogs come in packs of 6 but buns come in packs of 8?

My "dream" for the "next generation" of consoles is that they feature not only improved processing power, but they finally ship with a whole lot more memory and SSD's. Probably will not happen though, that gets to be an expensive proposition even before their "healthy" markups.

Lucky me, being a big guy with big hands, I have zero problem with my thumb reaching all the way across the screen of my EVO even to the right hand edge of the phone itself.