
I did hear they put out a patch today, maybe that should clear up some of that...

And what factual evidence are you basing your conclusion that "that was all bullshit" and that that was "just their excuse"...oh, let me evidence other than your personal opinion of what you "know" really happened and why.

Really, so then not a troll article...what was it then about this particular App, our of the gazillions of apps for the iPad that spoke to you.

LOL, I have no issue with Groucho....always was more of a Harpo fan myself though.

Yep, he tried that the friend in the house with him.

Ah, well there you go, you just have to let go of that hate, in the end it's just gonna eat you up inside... Myself, even of those I may think are "dunces" or whose idealogies are the opposite of mine, I find hating them is just a waste of energy.

Good point, had not considered it from that view...makes much more sense as to why Biddle would be that much of an intolerant ass-hat.

Well, she does have a long way to go before acknowledgment as being as much of a gibbering retard as Marx....

Yeah, he was pretty ticked off, he said he tried everything and that loading from the checkpoint puts him in the house that he cannot get out of. I think he said it was one of those houses where your supposed to kill all the zombies outside first before you can get inside. Where the doors dont work until you kill

Yeah, I am about ready to trade up from my 3+ year old white model to a slim...

I really love it to, minor bugs included...for as fun as it is, especially with friends I found myself not minding certain glitches and stuff.

Shoulda, woulda, coulda. Monday morning quarterbacking is the easiest job in the world.

Well, when you start thinking of your big screen tv, plus metro ui, plus kinect....

Yeah, could have completely changed the entire day with that 7 minutes...

What I really wish they had put in the trailer, that might have helped me with my buying decision...

See, like I said, I disagree...they are a big company, and I do not think it has to be a "one step at a time situation"...AND this is business, emotional "wants" to beat COD or Activision do not factor in.

Sadly funny that that is not surprising...bout what one expects from Washington then and now. CYA, is job one.

Grow up...

6 weeks seems like it would be cutting it close...seems to me they have to go "gold" much sooner than that in order to have enough time to press the DVDs, package and distribute to retail throughout the world.
