
I would try to sell the most copies of the game possible on all both those things. I dont see that as an either/or proposition.

Ah, but that is the key thing with their contention...even those games they hand picked, most did not actually sell better on their platform in terms of total units sold. I think all of those games except for 1 sold more 360 copies than PS3 copies, in total, not "relative" to hardware install base.

Even a stockholder or employee should ignore the SCEA VP's comments...they are really just worthless spin.

Agreed, although I will admit one of those consoles I very rarely turn on...really at this point I only use it for the couple few exclusive games to that platform I really want to play, and that is just for the single player.

Yes, to my knowledge, only gameplay footage seen from a console footage was the brief Jimmie Fallon demo and the co-op trailer, and maybe some brief multiplaye from Gamescon? not sure, but all were definitely only the PS3 version and all not much multiplayer at all.

Yeah, that was my for all anyone knows 5 could be a 4G phone. Seems silly to just assume its gonna be 3G only...

Yeah, true, but come on, if your North America, what even if Sony pays you or begs you....stupid to keep your largest potential set of likely customers in the dark.

Competition is a good thing...

I agree for the most part, epic teaser trailers showing the game running at the highest possible PC setting are fine...

Yeah, I know what you mean, I mean I realize it is a PC first developed game...and thats cool, I am fine with that. And of course in trailers and in commercials they want to put the best foot forward and show the game running in its most impressive mode.

Your right, but hey thats the nature of the beast...

Which in turn, maybe, if they take users away from Verizon and AT& evening out the base of users between the 3, frees up bandwidth from the other 2 via less users....enabling them to consider the possibility of re-introducing unlimited plans of their own to compete.

Is it already known that the iPhone 5 would/will not be 4G compatible?

Yeah, thats what I was thinking, are they going to make it another higher price level such that I would have to pay an additional premium on top of the extra $10 a month I have to pay now for my EVO? Would not put it past them to make the data premium for the iPhone like $20, $10 for the other 4g smartphones and all

Yeah, I was just thinking...done right this plan is not as dumb as it seems. Considering just how much, as in how very little, convenience store clerks are paying attention....if someone drove this van over to the tanks and the angles were right that he parked it so the side doors were facing away from the stores

Yeah, thats kind of odd that they seem to make such a big deal about that.

True enough...I like both games, will be buying and enjoying both games.

Well, from what I saw he has up on that page...

Not really, policy of the pizza place has nothing to do with it. It would be against the law for them to try.

Well, to be honest, that disadvantage pales in comparison to having a clown like McGinn as Mayor.