
"Gibeau argues that "customers are happy," "

Naw, sounds like he just wants to be a bit nauseous. lol

I totally agree....EAs own product, Battlefield 3, is just making it very obvious that current generation PC power has pulled noticeably far away from consoles. For me, that is the smoke signal that it is time for new consoles.

When EA's own game supports 64 player online, bigger maps, better graphics @ 60fps and the console versions do not because of hardware limitations.....

See, I disagree, I used to kind of agree....but all I got to do is look at the a game like Battlefield 3 (an EA game) and the PC vs. Console versions of that game.

I am still trying to figure out just who the core tenant of the game is? And is "cover is for the weak" that guys core tenet?

Would that not be a space marine in a drop ship / transport?

I used to do that too, waiting until the very last boarding call. But these days I don't like taking the very real chance that by doing that all the overhead bins will be full.

Exactly....this is NOT going to get them a huge market for WebOs.

I think that would be a good plan, but for mass market appeal...I would think they really have to ditch webOS. Not because I think it is not good...but just because it is not going anywhere.

Easy solution to that, flying just the week before last and was standing in the terminal wishing they would just do this...

Exactly, that is where this whole idea just falls apart...for this to work, everyone on the plane would practically literally have to line up in the terminal in specific little groups....with everyone in that specific group, lined up in a very specific order based on the row of their seats.

PLUS....even if you could resolve all those issues you brought up. For this system to work like the video says, all the passengers would need to line up and head down the aisle in the ascending order of their seat rows.

Why would there be anything to rejoice about? You think it is some sort of competition?

Your saying we "know" there are younger people on consoles than on PCs because of anecdotal "horror stories" "we" have heard about 12 year olds on consoles?

I heard standard coach layout (which I am sure most "first" world airlines will follow) is to be 2-5-2. Biggest difference I read that Airlines do not control is the cabin is wider, way more head room and the design of the luggage bins is uch that a 6' tall passenger would be able to step all the way over to a

I think that is the case...most all the other countries agencies take their cue from FAA / EASA. Basically saying, if a plan is FAA/EASA certified then it is certified by us as well.

Don't think that matters, FAA certification is whats needed to operate paying passengers around.

I think, most airlines are expected to go with 2-5-2 as the "standard" coach configuration.