
Boeing Commercial Airplane group is still headquartered in Seattle.

Exactly, I am no rocket scientist, but last time I checked....the entire fuselage, wings AND tail. Well, that is pretty much the all of the structural parts of the plane....the plane IS composite.

Well, I suppose we could waterboard them to make them comment?

"The best way to fight piracy is to create a service that people need"

Of, course, because as everyone knows that never happens on PSN...and PC, well, I have not gamed online on the PC in quite some time.

No idea really...."Consistency of the user online experience"? or maybe just for security.

Could be part of that Steam on PS3 partnership integration thing that makes it possible. Microsoft does really really like to keep Live as it's own walled off garden from the rest of the interweb....for good reason.

Talibani? Maybe Talibanese... Talibanians?

At first I thought the piece might be midly amusing....because, well there are some pretty strange people there. But, that makes it better, more fun, colorful and all that IMO.

I don't know so much about funny...but man that RTL news hostess lady is smoking hot.

Same here....Guess that is the nature of the beast with an open OS like that. Does not really do it for me though.

Now playing

I again am a complete failure in that I did not buy a ticket....despite the fact my office is lterally 2 blocks from the convention center. I guess in my old age I am just kind of not a huge fan of huge crowds anymore.

Most important info....Ricks is is Sugars. The Vu is still open @ several locations as well as Little Darling's...

I like my EVO and Android has served me fairly well for a couple years now....

Did not say I enjoyed it...

Well, yes, of course it is...I suppose except for those investors that have crystal balls or time machines. Nobody knows exactly what the F is going to happen in the future, so to one extent or another of course it is speculation.

Apple does have immense inertia, enough to keep it going strong for at least another couple years....But without Jobs actively running the show day in and day out, what Wall Street is right to be concerned about is....what is the iPad 4 going to look like? what is the iPhone 6 going to look like?

Depends on one thing we don't know, or maybe we do, Apple says he will still be actively involved....but, Chairmen sometimes are very active in Company management but more often than not, they are just calling in monthly to check on things and attending the 4 Board meetings every year.

To be more accurate, it is more about what investors think the company will be making in the future.

Not sure wtf your talking about, but ok...thanks for sharing.