
Yeah, trailer was bad ass, but that is PC....this war is not being fought in the PC theater of operations, that is just a side skirmish for a side pot of smaller money.


Well from a social aspect, the more successfull game might be the one with more screechy 12 year olds...if your a 10-15 year old.

Thus the need for war....

I was thinking the same thing..."ok, end result of starbucks digital pay it forward experiment: came to grinding halt because some dick swooped in and pulled a dick-ish move and took all the money!"

Well, thankfully we all have you to let us know what it is thats right or wrong about everyone else's choices. We should just make you King.

Exactly, I let Facebook know some very limited information about me. I am really, really leery about giving Google any more information about me than it already knows (LOTS). Other than having a profile, which I don't use, I am not signing up for ANY of their stuff, especially Google+.

Totally...thank God our current President would never engage in any of those things, especially deploying straw men to attack's just soooo totally different and changed now.

I just think it is a waste of time even bothering thinking of, definining or worrying in the slightest about who is or is not a "gamer".

Well, to read it, in theory what he said should mean that this will come out in the "next generation" of, in theory, I guess we expect this to be DLC for the PS4/720.

Oh, well, then I guess as they say in the legal profession....your shit out of luck.

Seeing wayyyyyy too much of it these days, maybe, just maybe people are upset with him because they are opposed to his ideology.

Right, damn, they make our Hillbillies look like Rhodes scholars...

Exactly, I saw that water and immediately thought, wow, I guess chlorine must not be real popular there, or filters...

I agree, I read this stuff this morning and at first I thought..meh not a big deal, facebook is not publishing that contact info as public profile info.

Would WP7 "Millenium Edition" suffice?

Thats probably gonna be my next phone come Holiday when my contract is up, switching from the EVO...I think.

Me, personally, being a Sprint customer....pretty sure towards the end of the year when my contract is up I am going to make the switch from EVO/Android to Mango....assuming Sprint puts out a decent Mango phone this Fall / Holiday.

Thats why I came to the conclusion video is staged....just too perfectly spot on down every single item on the check list.

I got into the first 20 seconds of it and thought right way, this guy is just fitting the "stereotype" just tooooooo perfectly to be real.