
Yeah, I tend to agree...I think they probably have found the high end of what most purchasers will tolerate as the price of 5 maps. If they try and go much higher, that "copies sold" number probably will take a steep nosedive. Or heck, maybe it won't...who knows.

I am sure they are grateful for the insightful comment of the 500,000th person sharing with the rest of us that they think this, that or the other thing costs too much.

Ah, I see what you mean...well, I dunno, maybe it was an honest mistake. Where they thought they were giving each version equal treatment, but something unanticipated came up regarding the PS3 version that caused the bugs.

Meh....I dont think $15 is a justified price to go watch a harry potter movie in theaters. Not my cup of tea. But I sure as hell aint gonna waste a second of my life going on to some message board about a post regarding that movie to let people know I will not be going.

Exactly, but i don't see it as a "problem", those consumers that feel it is worth it. So what, good for them, they are enjoying what they get for what it costs.

I am sure they will be heart broken that your not going to purchase, and immediatly lower the price, even though millions of people would have paid the $15.

I guess plenty of people find it perffectly justifiable, seeing as how each of the pieces of DLC has sold in the millions.

Naw, the totally hip hipsters would be saying they are giving up video games and that tabletop games are totally where its at....

Sony spends their cash buying studios, Microsoft spends their money on the priviledge of "

No, don't blame Kotick for that....blame the free market if you need something to "blame". The DLC is worth whatever amount a significant number of people are willing to pay for it.

Key thing I am wondering is how that $60 in DLC cost is going to compare to the subscription price for the Elite thing. So, for 12 months that would be like an average of $6 a month...and also, will people be allowed to join, drop and re-join Elite if they want to? As many times as they want to?

You do know this is particular DLC is zombie maps only?

Damn straight, and it all was bullshit...all of it. Jerk store was genius...

I am comparing one consumer product with another, and as I said, rule #1 for marketing and selling as much of either consumer product...if it aint broke, don't fix it.

And my point is, they know the difference when they play the games, even if they don't know why exactly it is that each game plays / feels different....they know it is different.

So long as there is a BMFG involved, I am in.

Yeah, pretty sure the Russian chapters of PETA are not going to run around and throw red paint on Putin's wife. That is if they value their lives.

Well, part of that stems from the fact that the majority of FPS players do not even know what framerate is....Have them sit down and play 2 games, one running at 60fps and then one running 30fps....then ask them which they prefer, pretty sure they would give two.

Exactly, Black Ops just sold 25 million copies, more than any previous COD game, including Infinity Ward made versions....why on earth would anyone be seriously expecting that they would change that?

It probably will not be, they know where their bread is buttered and where the vast majority of the game sale revenus will be coming from...console sales. PC side I am sure is just a "niche" for putting out a Wii version.