
Well, in the end, what would anyone expect from these modes? They are bot hunts, comp stomps, whatever one wants to call them.

MW3 does not give a shit about the PC version, Activision has learned that they do not make a Billion dollars in revenue selling PC copies of games, unless said games are called World of Warcraft. EA evenutally will learn the same thing if not already.

Everything is going to look the same, year in and year out, just like, say Madden has for long stretches. Because that is what people expect, and the players that enjoy this game are not looking for anything new or radically different...they enjoy the comfort of the controls and all that being similar, one game to

Then why the heck are you even paying attention to it? Why would you even bother clicking on this post? Why are you wasting a second of your life caring about a game you readily admit you will never, ever play? Why?

Plus, one thing I noticed, this is actually showing gameplay and graphics from the console / 360 game as it is played., PETA is not going to like that...

Exactly, cannot for the life of me understand why it is people that do not like a particular game would bother reading posts, or watching videos or whatever about it.

I agree with you on the hateful and racist ideas, the sooner people like Leonard Pitts get enlightened and stop with the racism and hate the better off we will be.

I was just going to say...A) Even on a chinook even a scaled down R2D2 would probably not fit / weight too much. And B) Not sure if they are all that effective against small sized "dumb" RPG rounds.

I suppose you could be right, but the article / post did mention several times it was an Army/National Guard CH....

Yeah, really, who cares, that is for the two of them to work out...and the outcome will have zero to do with which game you choose to play?

That is the point I stopped playing Oblivion...just got to be way too much of a pain in the ass that I kill or rob someone where I KNOW I am in a place where nobody can seem me. Yet as soon as I step out the door, I have every cop in town running after me...AND every cop in the next town.

I suppose that really depends on how you define "super" powers...economically, sure, maybe I could see the argument there...

Every 5 years or so? That has not been my experience with PC gaming rigs...

Seems to me this "trend" is not that new, well of course the paud DLC is new, but in the end this whole thing is the same age old question since as long as I have been playing video games....a long time.

How much does it cost compared to buying, say, a console for $400 and nothing more for 4-5 years?

I totally agree, even iPad games....really is apples and oranges comparison to console, gaming.

Too late....he taught Kotick everything he knows.

Ha, well, guess that makes me super extra lame then for reading and responding.

You know, it is obviously such a huge "what if", I really have no idea myself what might have happened differently in my little scenario....